A client library for the Slick QA result database

pip install slickqa==2.0.5


Slick Python Client Library

This library is a python client for accessing and reporting results to Slick. Slick is an open source QA result and test manager available from https://github.com/slickqa/slickqaweb.

Use is intended to be simple, and explorable. All the types are defined, and code completion will be available through most IDEs. Here is an example of how the library is used:

from slickqa import SlickConnection, Project

slick = SlickConnection('http://localhost:8080')

proj = slick.projects.findByName('A Project')
release = slick.projects(proj).releases(proj.defaultRelease).get()

print("The default release for project " + proj.name + " is " + release.name + ".")