A plugin to nose to allow results from python tests to be put into slick.

pip install slickqa-snot==1.0.2960


Snot: A nose Plugin

Snot is a nose plugin that will allow results from python unit tests to report to Slick.



the base url of the slick web app [SLICK_URL]


the name of the project in slick to use [SLICK_PROJECT_NAME]


the release under which to file the results in slick [SLICK_RELEASE]


the build under which to file the results in slick [SLICK_BUILD]


get the slick build from a function.  The parameter should be the module and function name to call [SLICK_BUILD_FROM_FUNCTION].


the testplan under which to file the results in slick [SLICK_TESTPLAN]


the name of the testrun to create in slick [SLICK_TESTRUN_NAME]


the name of the environment in slick to use in the testrun [SLICK_ENVIRONMENT_NAME]


the name of the testrun group in slick to add this testrun to (optional) [SLICK_ENVIRONMENT_NAME]


what to put in slick's hostname field in the result.


Schedule empty results in slick, but do not run the tests


Add a requirement to all results when scheduling.


Add an attribute to all results when scheduling.


apply the requires directly on the result as an attribute.


Instead of creating a new testrun, use an existing one.


Instead of creating a new result in the testrun, update an existing one.


Don't capture the logs from the logging framework


A space delimited list of tag keys to base test run names after. Will be " - " delimited.


Use with slick-schedule-results; schedules an entire testrun to be ran in sequence rather than distributed.


Duplicate each test x number of times.