
A simple, yet fully-featured python library to work with INI configuration files.

ini, config, configuration, settings, user, interface
pip install smartini==1.0.1



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SmartIni is a simple, yet fully-featured python library to work with INI configuration files. It aims at providing easy access to configurations saved in the INI file structure while eliminating the drawbacks of existing approaches like configparser.


Getting started


SmartIni runs on python 3.12+.

Setting up a configuration file

Say you want to distribute a news service that crawls a specific news website periodically and sends a summary of the crawled news per mail. This is what your config.ini file might look like:

[News Crawler]
; Settings for the news crawler

; crawl interval in minutes
interval = 30

; news website to crawl from
news-source =

; Settings for the mailer

; mail address to send to
news-receiver =

Let's break this down. INI files consist of three possible entities:

  • Section Name: In [brackets]. Denotes the beginning of a new section (and ending of the one before). E.g. [News Crawler].
  • Comment: Preceded by a prefix (usually ;or #). Adds explanation to the other entities. E.g. ; Settings for the news crawler.
  • Option: Consists of a key, a delimiter (usually = or :) and a value. Holds an actual setting. E.g. interval = 30.

Setting up the configuration Schema

To use the configurations in your project, your code ideally needs to know what to access. We therefore mirror the configurations in your project:

import smartini

class Config(smartini.Schema):

    class Crawler(smartini.Section):
        _name = "News Crawler"
        interval = "interval"
        source = "news-source"

    class Mailer(smartini.Section):
        receiver = "news-receiver"

Let's break this down:

  • Your schema class needs to inherit from smartini.Schema.
  • Each section gets its own section class within this schema class, inheriting from smartini.Section.
  • Important! If the actual section name differs from the section class name, it's assigned to the _name class attribute.
  • Each option of a section gets its key assigned to an arbitrary string attribute. The variable name must not start with a leading underscore.

Using the configurations in your code

All that's left to do now is, to initialize the schema class and load the ini file.

config = Config()

You can now use the stored configurations by simply accessing them through your schema instance:

>>> config.Crawler.interval
>>> config.Mailer.receiver

Similarly, you can assign new values to existing configurations:

>>> config.Crawler.interval = 15
>>> config.Crawler.interval
>>> config.Mailer.receiver = ""
>>> config.Crawler.receiver

As you can see, all values are currently read from file as strings, whereas assignment won't change the type. In future releases, numerical values, lists etc. will be read as their respective types from file as well.

Advanced Usage

Multiple configurations using slots

Introductionary example

Imagine you send your news crawler (from the example above) to your dad and they configure it like so:

[News Crawler]
; Settings for the news crawler

; crawl interval in minutes
interval =

; news website to crawl from
news-source =

; Settings for the mailer

; mail address to send to
news-receiver =

There are two problems with this file:

  1. The interval option has no value.
  2. The news-source value does not offer an actual news source.

SmartIni offers an easy solution for this: Slots!

Basic concept

You can think of a Slot as a configuration profile: Each configuration file you read is saved into a Slot with its structure (the order in which the entities appear in the file) and all its comments and options. SmartIni intelligently decides which slot to use when you access an option to ensure your code always uses a valid setting.

Slot keys

Each slot has a unique slot key. By default, SmartIni generates numerical slot keys starting from 0 upwards. However, you can also choose your own slot key (int or str) when reading an ini file.

Accessing and setting slots


By default, SmartIni chooses the slot to access or set using one of the SlotDeciderMethods. The desired method can be passed during Schema initialization and defaults to "fallback", resulting in the latest slot unless that is None, then the first slot.

Automatic slot access will also work for any smartini method that receives an argument of type SlotAccess.


However, you can also access or set slots manually using their slot keys or by index:

  • To access or set a slot directly by key, simply use python's item accessing / setting on your schema class.
  • To access or set by index, use the same logic on the schema classes iloc indexer.
# Slot access by slot key

# Slot access by index

Example solution

So how does this help us with our initial problem? Easy!

  1. Load both configuration files into your project.

    >>> config.read_ini("config.ini", slots="default")
    >>> config.read_ini("user.ini", slots="dad")
  2. Access the interval option like before. By default, the "fallback" SlotDeciderMethod is used, so smartini will automatically use the first slot for the interval option since the latest is None. However, "cascade down" would also deliver the desired result here.

    >>> config.Crawler.interval
    >>> config["default"].Crawler.interval
    >>> config["dad"].Crawler.interval
    >>> None
  3. For the news-source option, you could verify your dad's input and if that fails, change his configured website to a news source he'd likely find interesting.

    >>> if not is_news_source(config["dad"].Crawler.source):
    ...     config["dad"].Crawler.source = ""
    ...     # or config.Crawler.source = ...
    >>> config.Crawler.source

Custom markers

SmartIni allows for customization of the following markers by passing the respective argument during Schema initialization:

  • Entity delimiter, entity_delimiter, default: "\n" (newline)

    Separates entities from each other, e.g. opt=val\n; comment

  • Option delimiter, option_delimiters, default: "="

    Separates option key from value, e.g. opt=val. You can pass multiple if the ini file is inconsistent.

  • Comment prefix, comment_prefixes, default: ";"

    Denotes a comment, e.g. ;comment. You can pass multiple if the ini file is inconsistent.

For further information see Parameters.

Multiline options

SmartIni by default allows for multiline option values, so for the whole value to span over multiple lines. Every line after the first line is called a continuation. You can control this behavior by specifying the three multiline parameters during Schema initialization.

For further information see Parameters.

Undefined configurations

Smartini can also read configurations that are not defined in-code in your Schema class. To do so, simply pass read_undefined = True to your Schema initialization. To access undefined content, use get_sections and get_options with include_undefined="only".

Note: If you leave read_undefined = False (default), smartini will throw an IniStructureError if it encounters undefined content.



Comment object holding a comment's content.

Comment(content_without_prefix = None, prefix = None, content_with_prefix = None)


  • content_without_prefix (str | None, optional)

    Content with prefix removed. Should be None if content_with_prefix is provided, otherwise the latter will be ignored. Defaults to None.

  • prefix (str | re.Pattern | tuple[str | re.Pattern, ...] | None, optional)

    One or more prefixes that can denote the comment (used for content_with_prefix). Defaults to None.

  • content_with_prefix (str | None, optional)

    Content including prefix. Will be ignored if content_without_prefix is provided. Defaults to None.



The comment's content.


type Prefix = str | re.Pattern

Character(s) that prefix(es) a comment.



Convert the Comment into an ini string.


  • prefix (str | None, optional)

    Prefix to use for the string. Returns to None.


  • str

    The ini string.


Option object holding an option's value (per slot) and key.

Option(key, values = None, slots = None)


  • key (str | int | None, optional)

    The option key. Should be None if from_string is provided, otherwise from_string will be ignored. Defaults to None.

  • values (Any | list[Any] | None, optional)

    The option value or values (one value per slot or one/same value for all slots). Should be None if from_string is provided, otherwise from_string will be ignored. Defaults to None.

  • slots (SlotAccess, optional)

    Slot(s) to save value(s) in. If None, will create numerical slot keys starting from 0. Otherwise, number of slots must match number of values, unless number of values is 1 (:= same value for all slots). Defaults to None.


type Delimiter = str | re.Pattern

Character(s) that delimit(s) Option key from from value.


to_string(delimiter, *, slots = None)

Convert the Option into an ini string.


  • delimiter (str)

    The delimiter to use for separating option key and value.

  • slot (SlotAccess, optional)

    The slot to get the value from. If multiple are passed, will take the first that is not None (or return an empty string if all are None). If None, will take the first that is not None of all slots. Defaults to None.


  • str

    The ini string.


Parameters for reading and writing.

Parameters(entity_delimiter = re.Pattern("\n"), comment_prefixes = ";", option_delimiters = "=", multiline_allowed = True, multiline_prefix = None, multiline_ignore = (), ignore_whitespace_lines = True, read_undefined = False)


  • entity_delimiter (str | re.Pattern, optional)

    Delimiter that delimits entities (section name, option, comment). Defaults to re.Pattern("\n").

  • comment_prefixes (Comment.Prefix| tuple[Comment.Prefix, ...], optional)

    Prefix character(s) that denote a comment. If multiple are given, the first will be taken for writing. "[" is not allowed. Defaults to ";".

  • option_delimiters (Option.Delimiter| tuple[Option.Delimiter, ...], optional)

    Delimiter character(s) that delimit option keys from values. If multiple are given, the first will be taken for writing. "[" is not allowed. Defaults to "=".

  • multiline_allowed (bool, optional)

    Whether continuations of options (i.e. multiline options) are allowed. Defaults to True.

  • multiline_prefix (str | re.Pattern | None, optional)

    Prefix to denote continuations of multiline options. If set, will only accept continuations with that prefix (will throw a ContinuationError if that prefix is missing). Defaults to None (possible continuation after one entity delimiter).

  • multiline_ignore (tuple["section_name" | "option_delimiter" | "comment_prefix", ...] | None, optional)

    Entity identifier(s) to ignore while continuing an option's value. Otherwise lines with those identifiers will be interpreted as a new entity instead of a continuation (despite possibly satisfying multiline rules). Useful if a continuation is possibly in brackets (otherwise interpreted as a section name), contains the option delimiter (e.g. URLs often include a "=") or starts with a comment prefix. Defaults to None.

  • ignore_whitespace_lines (bool, optional)

    Whether to interpret lines with only whitespace characters (space or tab) as empty lines. Defaults to True.

  • read_undefined (bool | "section" | "option", optional)

    Whether undefined content should be read and stored. If True, will read every undefined content. If "section", will read undefined sections and their content but not undefined options within defined sections. "option" will read undefinied options within defined sections but not undefined sections and their content. If False, will ignore undefined content. Defaults to False.


Schema class to define configuration schema and access loaded configurations.

Schema(parameters = None, method = "fallback", **kwargs)

Parameters will be stored as default read and write parameters.


  • parameters (Parameters| None, optional)

    Default parameters for reading and writing inis, as an Parameters object. Parameters can also be passed as kwargs. Missing parameters (because parameters is None and no or not enough kwargs are passed) will be taken from default parameters. Defaults to None.

  • method (SlotDeciderMethods, optional)

    Method for choosing the slot. Defaults to "fallback".

  • **kwargs (optional)

    Parameters as kwargs.


Schema.export(path = None, decider_method = None, include_undefined = True, export_comments = False, *, content_slots = None)

Export the saved configuration to a file.


  • path (str | Path)

    Path to the file to export to.

  • structure ("schema" | "content" | None, optional)

    Slot to use for structuring the output (including comments). If "schema", will use original schema definition. If "content", will use slot that is used as content slot (if multiple content slots are given will use the first). If None will use "schema" if content_slots is None and "content" otherwise. Defaults to None.

  • decider_method (SlotDeciderMethods| None, optional)

    Either a decider method to use or None to use the initial decider method. Defaults to None.

  • include_undefined (bool, optional)

    Whether to include undefined entities. Defaults to True.

  • export_comments (bool, optional)

    Whether to export comments. Will use first content slot to get comments from. Comments will be matched to following entities (e.g. all comments above option_a will be above option_a in the exported ini). Defaults to False.

  • content_slots (SlotAccess, optional)

    Slot(s) to use for content (sections and options). If multiple are given, first slot has priority, then second (if first is None) and so on. If None, will use decider method. Defaults to None.



Get a section by its name.


  • section_name (SectionName | str | None)

    The name of the section to get.


  • tuple[str, Section]

    Tuple of variable name and section object.


Schema.get_sections(include_undefined = True, *, slots = None)

Get configuration section(s).


  • include_undefined (bool, optional)

    Whether to also include undefined sections. Defaults to True.

  • slots (SlotAccess, optional)

    Which slot(s) to get sections from. If multiple are given, will return the intersection. If None, will return all. Defaults to None.


  • OrderedDict[str, Section]

    Variable names as keys and the Sections as values. Order is that of the slot structure if len(slots) == 1. Otherwise, order matches defined schema structure with undefined sections at the end.


Schema.read_ini(path, parameters = None, parameters_as_default = False, *, slots = False, **kwargs)

Read an ini file. If no parameters are passed (as Parameters object or kwargs), default parameters defined on initialization will be used.


  • path (str | pathlib.Path)

    Path to the ini file.

  • parameters (Parameters| None, optional)

    Parameters for reading and writing inis, as a Parameters object. Parameters can also be passed as kwargs. Missing parameters (because parameters is None and no or not enough kwargs are passed) will be taken from default parameters that were defined on initialization. Defaults to None.

  • parameters_as_default (bool, optional)

    Whether to save the parameters for this read as default parameters. Defaults to False.

  • **kwargs (optional)

    Parameters as kwargs.

  • slots (SlotAccess| False, optional)

    Slot(s) to save the content in. If False will create new slot. Defaults to False.



Access the ini using a specific slot. Equivalent to item access via brackets (i.e. Schema[slot]).



>>> class Config(smartini.Schema):
...     class Section(smartini.Section):
...         option = "option-name"
>>> config = Config()
>>> config.read_ini("config1.ini")
>>> config.read_ini("config2.ini")
>>> config.with_slot(1).Section.option == config[1].Section.option


A configuration section. Holds Options and Comments. If the actual section name differs from class variable, it needs to be assigned to the _name class attribute! Furthermore, class attributes holding options must not start with a leading underscore!


Section.add_entity(entity, positions = None, *, slots = None)

Add a new entity to the section.


  • entity (UndefinedOption|Option|Comment)

    The entity to add.

  • positions (int | list[int | None], optional)

    Where to put the entity in the section's structure. Either one position for all slots or a list with one position per slot. If None, will append to the end in every slot. Defaults to None.

  • slots (SlotAccess, optional)

    Slot(s) to add the entity to. Must match positions. Defaults to None.




Get a comment by its content.


  • content (str | re.Pattern)

    The content of the comment.


  • dict[str, Comment]

    All comments that fit the content argument with variable names as keys and the Comment objects as values.


Section.get_option(name = None, key = None)

Get an option by variable name or option key.


  • name (str | None, optional)

    Name of the option variable. Defaults to None.

  • key (SlotKey | None, optional)

    The option key. Will be ignored if name is not None. Defaults to None.


  • Option

    The requested option.


Section.get_options(include_undefined = True, *, slots = None)

Get options of the section.


  • include_undefined (bool | "only", optional)

    Whether to include undefined options. If "only", will return only undefined options. Always False if slots is not None.

  • slots (SlotAccess, optional)

    Which slot(s) to get options from. If multiple are given, will return the intersection. If None will return all. Defaults to None.


  • OrderedDict[str, Option]

    Variable names as keys and Options as values. Order is that of the slot structure if len(slots) == 1. Otherwise, order matches original schema structure with undefined options at the end.


Section.set_option(name, value, positions = None, key = None, *, slots = None)

Set an option's value by accessing it via variable name or option key.


  • name (str | None)

    The variable name of the option. Must be None if key should be used.

  • value (OptionValue)

    The new value for the option.

  • positions (int | list[int | None] | None)

    Position in slots the entity should take. Either int for same position in all slots or one position per slot. If None and for every slot that None is specified for, will take previous position of the Option in the respective slot and will append to slots where Option didn't exist before. Defaults to None.

  • key (str | None, optional)

    The option key. Defaults to None.

  • slots (SlotAccess, optional)

    The slot(s) to use. Defaults to None (all slots).


A configuration section's name.

SectionName(name = None, name_with_brackets = None)


  • name (str | None, optional)

    Name of the section. Should be None if name_with_brackets is provided, otherwise name_with_brackets will be ignored. Defaults to None.

  • name_with_brackets (str | None, optional)

    The name of the section within brackets (to extract the name from). If provided, name argument should be None, otherwise will be ignored. Defaults to None.


type SlotAccess = int | str | list[int | str] | None

Identifier for which slot(s) to access.

  • int | str

    Identifier for a single slot.

  • list[int | str]

    Identifier for multiple slots.

  • None

    All slots.


type SlotDeciderMethods = "fallback" | "first" | "cascade up" | "latest" | "cascade down"

Method to decide which slot to use.

  • "fallback"

    Uses first slot whenever latest slot is None, otherwise latest slot. This is especially useful if the first slot provides default fallback values for your configuration.

  • "first"

    Uses first slot.

  • "cascade up"

    Uses the first slot that is not None from first to latest.

  • "latest"

    Uses latest slot.

  • "cascade down"

    Uses first slot that is not None from latest to first.


Option, that is not hard coded in the provided schema.


Takes args and kwargs identical to Option. Can also take an Option to copy its attributes.

Why still ini?

a word from the creator

SmartIni started from a simple problem: I had built this awesome project that I wanted my non-coder friends to be able to use and set up to their needs. However, I didn't have the capacity to build a GUI and didn't want to use JSON or YAML either as they too use concepts foreign to non-coders (like quotation of strings).

INI files provide an intuitive approach to text-based settings, therefore seemed to be the best option for my needs. The only problem left was, that existing modules for handling INI files (like the built-in configparser) suffer from several drawbacks. Luckily, now we have SmartIni :)


As of now, this has been a one person project. If you want to contribute to it, you're very invited to do so by:

  1. Cloning the repository

    git clone
  2. Installing the repositories into an python 3.12+ environment

    cd smartini
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Send a pull request once you're done :)

Note: SmartIni's stub files "fool" type checkers by giving them false type annotations to ensure intuitive functionality (e.g. Schema.iloc is annotated to return the Schema (Self) although it actually returns a SlotIlocViewer). For development, you should disable the stub files (i.e. ignore them in your type checker config or rename them).

By contributing to this project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the project's license.


Smartini is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license, as found in the LICENSE file.