
Custom Assertions for unittest with Pandas.Series and DataFrames. Similarity tests, based on pandas.testing

pip install smoothassert==0.1.3



This Package contains custom Assertion methods to compare Pandas.Series objects.

  1. AssertSimilarSeries
  2. Assert_Cos_Sim_Series


Grab the package using pip (this could take a few minutes) Try using one of the following:

 pip install pip install -i smoothassert

Getting Started

Import the module

import smoothassert.smoothassert

Or Import the method what you want to use directly

from smoothassert.smoothassert import AssertSimilarSeries


1. AssertSimilarSeries

The use of this method is to check that left and right Series are Equal, or similar with the given error rate. The main usage of this method is to use it where you don't want or not able to make a code what works with 0% error rate i.e.: Machine learning models. Because the basic assertions in given in the common packages only have the AssertEqual methods what looks for 100% equality. If you have a Machine learning model what you want to have 80% precision then you can call this method to test it and its not going to raise Assertion error unless there is more error in the output stream.


If we have 2 series what is almost equal in this example it have 1/5 so 20% difference.

import pandas as pd
from smoothassert.smoothassert import AssertSimilarSeries

A = pd.Series(['a','b','c','d','e'])
B = pd.Series(['b','b','c','d','e'])


AssertionError: Series are diferent in 20.0% while the allowable limit is 0%

But if we raise the error limitation:

import pandas as pd
from smoothassert.smoothassert import AssertSimilarSeries

A = pd.Series(['a','b','c','d','e'])
B = pd.Series(['b','b','c','d','e'])


OK, error rate:20.0

Probably you going to use a unittest framework to test your code, what is perfectly fine and its going to work with it as well.

2. Assert_Cos_Sim_Series

Check that the left and right values are similar to each other witht the given rate(default 1 token similarity needed). Its Good to Assert Categorical data, or strings.For example if you have a multi-class prediction and you have a couple of classes what you want as output but if the modell not finds all the classes but finds some , it can pass the test.


if each value from the left series contain at least one categori/token from the right series then the test will pass.

import pandas as pd
from smoothassert.smoothassert import Assert_Cos_Sim_Series

out = pd.Series(['red','car','ford','red'])
expected = pd.Series(['red,car,sport','car','ford,blue,1999','car,red'])


You can set the similarity limit as well default its 0 so if there is any similarity it will pass. You can set this as:

Assert_Cos_Sim_Series(out,expected,min_sim = 0.2)


  1. AssertSimilarSeries Check that left and right Series are Equal, or similar with the given error rate.
  • s1 Series
  • s2 Series
  • percent: float between 0 and 1 default 0 the allowable limit of the errors between the series given in percentage/100
  • check_series_type : bool, default True Whether to check the Series class is identical.
  • check_names : bool, default True Whether to check the Series and Index names attribute.
  • check_dtype : bool, default True Whether to check the Series dtype is identical.
  1. Assert_Cos_Sim_Series
  • Check that the cosine similarity between the elements of the two Series is bigger than the min_sim
  • s1 Series
  • s2 Series
  • min_sim: float between 0 and 1 default 0(what means if there is at least one token has to be similar in each row)
  • mute: bool default True mutes the writen feedbacks

In development

  • Add check methods
  • Add a changeable text pre processor to Assert_Cos_Sim_Series, Lemmatization,stemm,remove stopwords etc.


See LICENSE for license information.

Contribute / Contact Information

If you have found errors or some instructions are not working anymore, then please open an GitHub issue or, better, create a pull request with your desired changes.

You can also contact me at