
Machine Learning Framework based on PyTorch with focus on Neural Networks

snowfall-ml, snowfall, neural-networks, pytorch
pip install snowfall-ml==0.1.0



Easy to use ML Framework based on PyTorch. Train and validate your models easily without any boilerplate codes.

How to Use

  1. Install the package
pip install snowfall-ml
  1. Import the modules
from snowfall.manager.execution_manager import ExecutionManager
from snowfall.nn import SnowModule, Network
import torch.nn as nn
  1. Create networks and train them (You can easily use operators syntax to fastly create and train your SnowModule or just use the old-fashion methods)
from snowfall.generalization import DisturbLabel, EarlyStopping, L2Regularize

net = Network()
net += nn.Linear(4, 12)
net += nn.Linear(12, 36)
net += nn.Linear(36, 3)

manager = ExecutionManager(use_gpu=False)

def disturb(x, y):
    return x, disturber(y)

def accuracy(pred, gt):
    pred = pred.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=True)
    correct = pred.eq(gt.view_as(pred)).sum()
    return correct.float() / pred.shape[0]

c = SnowModule(manager)
# Add The Modules
c += net
# Multiply the Optimizer
c *= "adam"
# Reduce the loss/cost
c -= L2Regularize(nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), 0.001)
# Calculate the metrics
c %= ("acc", accuracy)
# Pipe the preprocessors
c |= (disturb, False)
# Power up the event listeners
c **= EarlyStopping(patience=10)
# Learn from the dataset
c.learn(trainSet, epochs=24, train_batch=4, val_batch=4)
  1. You can see the "examples" directory to see working examples.


This project is still in beta and is a WIP. Thus, It will go through major API changes and upgrades.

  • Documentation
  • Better API
  • Mixed Precision and Quantization Aware Training
  • Visualizations
  • Add Non Neural Network Models
  • Multi-GPU and Distributed Training
  • Model Serving
  • etc...


Contributions are welcome, You can contact me at if you want to have a talk about the project and ideas, ... .