A Python package to unfold soldity code with imports into a single file.

soldity, solidity-unfolder, solidity-flatliner, smart-contracts, ethereum
pip install solflatliner==1.0.103


Solidity Flatliner

Unfolds all local imports in a solidity file to generate a flat solidity file.


Manually combining all imports in a solidity file when verifying your contract source on Etherscan is time-consuming and cumbersome. This tool automatically traverses the dependency graph of imports and combines them in the correct order, which is ready to be pasted into the contract verifier.

NOTE: This tool won't work with imports that are aliased (i.e. import "./foo.sol" as bar; )


  • support external library folder destination
  • support output folder name
  • auto remove redundant license place and solidity version code
  • auto remove redundant contract / interface / abstract contract / library
  • added support safety line


There are no requirements for this tool.

pip3 install solflatliner

or if you want to get the upgrade

sudo pip3 install solflatliner --upgrade

Create bin file for easy execution

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
from solflatliner.cmd import cli
if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])


usage: solflatliner [-h] [-o *.sol] *.sol *.*.*

Unfolds all local imports in a solidity file to generate a flat solidity file.
Put the output file into out/ folders.

positional arguments:
  *.sol                 Target filename with imports
  *.*.*                 Solidity compiler version e.g. 0.4.24

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit
  -o *.sol, --output *.sol
                        Output filename (default: flat.sol)
  -f, --ofolder         The output folder (default: verify)
  -lib, --library       Selection of library folder from the execution path. (default: lib)
  -l, --license         The license identifier from https://spdx.org/licenses/ (default: AGPL-3.0)


solu contract-with-imports.sol 0.4.24

It will output flat.sol (default output filename) with solidity version 0.4.24 in verify/ folder.

solflatliner contract-with-imports.sol 0.4.20 --output contract-flat.sol

It will output contract-flat.sol with solidity version 0.4.20 in verify/ folder.


MIT License (2022), Jun-You Liu, Heskemo