
Retrieve public data from ''.

pip install sololearnlib==4.0.3



sololearnlib is a library for retrieving public data from Sololearn.

  • Easy to use.
  • Lightweight.
  • Object Oriented.
  • Json-compatible data.


  • Retrieve Blog articles.
  • Get Leaderboard data.
  • Retrieve 'Hot Today' codes from Code Playground.
  • Find out what are the trending, most recent and most popular codes.
  • Get courses info and lessons data.
  • Retrieve 'Hot Today' discussions.
  • Find out what are the trending, most recent and unanswered discussions.


sololearn just uses bs4 (BeautifulSoup4).


sololearnlib requires Python 3 v3.5+ to run.

$ pip install sololearnlib


Retrieve Blog data

  • Import
from sololearnlib import Blog
  • Create a class object.
blog = Blog()
  • Using methods/functions
# Get data about all the articles.
articles = blog.get_articles()
# [{'id': 175, 'date': '2021-05-15T00:00:00.000Z', 'topic': 'Insights', 'title': 'The Growth of Learni...on Mobile ', 'content': 'What is responsible ... industry.', 'article_link': '/Blog/175', 'image_link': 'https://api.sololear...log_01.jpg'}, ...]

# Get the link of first article.
article_link = articles[0]["article_link"]
# '/Blog/175'

# Get the full text of an article.
full_text = blog.get_full_article(article_link)
# 'The COVID-19 pandemic has upended much of what was considered normal and routine in everyday life around the globe. Business, healthcare, transportation, travel - the massive disruptions in industries ...'

Retrieve Code Playground Data

  • Import
from sololearnlib import CodePlayground
  • Create a class object.
ground = CodePlayground()
  • Using methods/functions
# Get hot codes.
hot = ground.get_hot_today()
# [{'😄Pure css Emoji😄😊': ''}, {'⚔️Assasin Custom UI Cover ⚔️': ''}, ...]

# Get all other codes.
codes = ground.get_codes()
# [{'code_link': '', 'code_name': 'Water sort puzzle game 🔥', 'votes': 638, 'author_name': 'Namit Jain [INACTIVE]', 'author_link': '/Profile/18109487', 'data_date': '4/23/2021 6:17:25 AM'}, ...]

Retrieve Courses Data

  • Import
from sololearnlib import Courses
  • Create a class object.
courses = Courses()
  • Using methods/functions
# Get a list of all the available courses.
course_list = courses.get_courses()
# {'getCourses': {'success': True, 'errors': [...], 'data': [...]}}

# Get lessons of a course.
lessons = courses.get_lessons("python")
# {'getCourse': {'success': True, 'errors': [...], 'data': {...}}}

Retrieve Discuss Data

  • Import
from sololearnlib import Discuss
  • Create a class object.
dis = Discuss()
  • Using methods/functions
# Get posts available for discussion.
posts = dis.get_posts()
# [{'votes': '0', 'answers': '0', 'post_link': '/Discuss/2760604/trying-to-pull-individual-values-from-a-dataframe-but-pulls-arrays-instead', 'title': 'Trying to pull individual values from a dataframe but pulls arrays instead', 'tags': [...], 'author_name': 'Hernando Abella', 'author_link': '/Profile/1478871/', 'data_date': '4/20/2021 4:12:36 PM', 'avatar_link': ''}, ...]

# Trending topics on discussions.
hot_discuss = dis.get_hot_today()
# [{'Can we obtain graphs in node code here at sololearn ?': '/Discuss/2784363/can-we-obtain-graphs-in-node-code-here-at-sololearn/'}, {'Why R code is necessary?': '/Discuss/2784479/why-r-code-is-necessary/'}, ...]

Retrieve Top Learners Data

  • Import
from sololearnlib import TopLearners
  • Create a class object.
top = TopLearners()
  • After creating an object you can use some of its attributes.
# {'c': {'link': '/Leaderboard/C', 'title': 'C Tutorial'}, ...}

# 'Global Leaderboard'
  • Using methods/functions
# List of user who top the 'react' leaderboard.
board = top.get_leaderboard("react")
# {'1': {'name': 'Arthur', 'points': 2000}, '2': {'name': 'Accountz5', 'points': 794}, '3': {'name': 'Hayk Tester1', 'points': 760}, ...}


Want to contribute? Great!

Head toward the github repository:


  • Write MORE Tests.

  • Add error handling.

  • Make retrieval time faster.



Free Software, Hell Yeah!