
spaceminator is a command line tool to help you get rid off those nasty spaces in your filenames!

pip install spaceminator==1.0.0


spaceminator Build Status

spaceminator is a command line tool to help you get rid off those nasty spaces in your filenames!

Table of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Contributing
  5. Support
  6. License

1. Requirements

spaceminator works on both Python 2 and Python 3 (tested on python2.7 and python3.5+) and is Linux and Windows compatible (tested on Linux Mint 18.3 and Windows 7).


spaceminator is written purely in Python. Tests depend on pytest, pytest-runner, pytest-mock and mock.

2. Installation

spaceminator can be easily installed using pip:

pip install -U spaceminator

3. Usage

To run spaceminator just type spaceminator --help in your terminal and hit Enter to get list of available options.

~$ spaceminator --help

usage: spaceminator [-h] [-p PATH] [-l] [-q] [-c CHAR] [-r] [-d | -f | -ln]

spaceminator is a command line tool to help you get rid off those nasty spaces
in filenames!

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PATH, --path PATH  Absolute path to work on (defaults to current working
  -l, --list            List files and directories only
  -q, --quiet           Disable verbose mode
  -c CHAR, --char CHAR  Replace char (default: _)
  -r, --recursive       Go inside directories
  -d, --dirs-only       Rename directories only
  -f, --files-only      Rename files only
  -ln, --links-only     Rename symlinks only

For example, to only list files and directories which include spaces in their names, type:

~$ spaceminator -l -r
File: '/home/user/long dir name/file inside dir'
Dir: '/home/user/long dir name'
File: '/home/user/long file name'

To rename all files and directories in a current directory, type:

~$ spaceminator -r
Renamed File '/home/user/long dir name/file inside dir' -> 'file_inside_dir'
Renamed Dir '/home/user/long dir name' -> 'long_dir_name'
Renamed File '/home/user/long file name' -> 'long_file_name'

4. Contributing

Contributions are always welcome - just:

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Commit your changes on a feature/fix branch.
  3. Push.
  4. Submit a pull request.
  5. Have your changes merged :)

5. Support

If you need assistance, want to report a bug or request a feature, please raise an issue here.

6. License

spaceminator is released under the terms of the MIT License. Please refer to the LICENSE.txt file for more details.