
A Simple PARallel MAP implementation for Python.

pip install sparmap==1.1.1


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A Simple PARallel MAP implementation for Python based on the multiprocessing package.


As an example, to sum 1 to all elements in the array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] using two processes in parallel, and printing the output on the terminal, you'd write:

from sparmap import parmap

for result in parmap([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], fun=lambda x: x + 1, workers=2):
    print result


sparmap uses a bounded queue internally, and streams results immediately as they become available. This means that in a situation like:

for result in parmap(very_long_list, fun=expensive_computation, workers=8):
    print result

you will start seeing results as soon as the first computation inside any of the workers completes, without having to worry about running out of memory (unless you have really big records in the input list, or returned as output from your map function).