David Cope's SPEAC-analysis Python library

SPEAC, David, Cope
pip install speac==1.0.14


SPEAC-analysis python libray


To install the spec, run pip install speac


SPEAC analysis is a hierarchical analysis in which music is considered as a series of nested contexts that range from local to medium, then large and global. The main function of the SPEAC-analysis is get_the_levels, and this is where we get this result.
The result of this function is a list of SPEAC analyzes of different levels, first element of the list is the global analysis (ursatz in Schenker's terms), second element of the list is the large analysis (background), third - is the middle analysis (middleground), last - is foreground.

The function accepts a list of events as input, where each event includes the time the note was pressed in milliseconds, the midi number of the note, the duration (1000 - quarter, 500 - the eighth, etc.), the number of the part or instrument, and the velocity of the note:

It is also worth noting that these events in the list are sorted by the time they were turned on, and in these events all trills and mordents should be deleted. The analysis can be started as follows:

from speac.chopin_33_3 import CHOPIN_33_3
from speac.top_level import get_the_levels

events = CHOPIN_33_3
meter = 3

get_the_levels(events, meter)


Also, to change the default settings, you need to use the class SpeacSettings. You need to give an object of this class as the third argument of this function.


from speac.chopin_33_3 import CHOPIN_33_3
from speac.speac_settings import SpeacSettings
from speac.top_level import get_the_levels

events = CHOPIN_33_3
meter = 3

my_speac_settings = SpeacSettings()

get_the_levels(events, meter, my_speac_settings)