
A Python tool to monitor and log internet speeds using WandB.

pip install speedlogger==1.0.0



SpeedLogger is a simple tool to monitor and log your internet connection's upload and download speeds, server ID, and ping at regular intervals using speedtest-cli and Weights & Biases (wandb).


  1. Install the speedlogger package using pip:
pip install speedlogger
  1. Create a Weights & Biases account if you don't have one already.

  2. Log in to your Weights & Biases account:

Follow the instructions to get your API key and finish the login process.

wandb login


  1. Run the speedlogger command with the desired time interval (in seconds) between measurements:
speedlogger --interval 60

The default interval is 60 seconds. You can change it using the --interval option.

  1. The logged data will be sent to your Weights & Biases account under the speedlogger project. You can view the logs and visualize the results on the Weights & Biases dashboard.

Please note that the internet speed measurements may consume a significant amount of data, especially when running the tool for extended periods. Make sure to consider any data usage limitations your internet service provider may impose.