
extract comments from source files into rst files

pip install sphinx-api-any==0.2



This is a very simple program that extracts content from source files into rst files. The goal is to be able to write documentation in rst format within the code. This does not automatically parse the code, but allows developers to keep comments within the code and to use all the syntax of sphinx.


start by creating a doc folder and initialize sphinx in it

mkdir doc
cd doc

follow the instructions. Then use sphinx-api-any to generate your rst files from the code. For example:

sphinx-apy-any -s ../julia/ -o ./source/

and finally generate the html output using sphinx

make html

Here is the full help given by calling sphinx-api-any -h:

usage: sphinx-api-any [-h] [-s S] [-o O] [-e E] [-c C]

Extracts rst content from comments in all source files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -s S        source folder
  -o O        destination folder
  -e E        source code extension, for example py or jl
  -c C        comment selector, for example #'


very simple:

pip install sphinx-api-any

Example of sphinx formated code from my own project:

#' .. py:function:: solve(M,p)
#'    Solves a model constructed using the Model and Parameter objects. It updates the model with
#'    the solution.
function solve(M::Model , p::Param)
  # extract relevaant 
  H   = M.H; S=M.S; U=M.U; P0=M.P0; G= M.G; Z = M.Z; V = M.V; B = M.B; F=M.F; I0= M.I0; W0 = M.W0;
  kp  = 0.1;



  • allow to automatically include the raw code inside the documentation
  • if some lines do match some regular expression, generate some sphinx rst directives
  • get options from config file, pass them as argument