
Generate X509 certificates according to Avviso SPID 29 v3

hacktoberfest, python, spid, x509
pip install spid-compliant-certificates==0.5.5



Python native solution to generate and validate X.509 certificates according to Avviso SPID n.29 v3.


Nothing more than

$ pip install spid-compliant-certificates

Alternatively, you can install it from sources

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python setup.py install

Command line usage

Generate private key, self-signed X.509 ertificate and CSR for public sector SPID service provider

$ spid-compliant-certificates generator \
    --key-size 3072 \
    --common-name "A.C.M.E" \
    --days 365 \
    --entity-id https://spid.acme.it \
    --locality-name Roma \
    --org-id "PA:IT-c_h501" \
    --org-name "A Company Making Everything" \
    --sector public
[DEBUG] Starting new HTTPS connection (1): indicepa.gov.it:443
[DEBUG] https://indicepa.gov.it:443 "GET /ricerca/n-dettaglioamministrazione.php?cod_amm=c_h501 HTTP/1.1" 200 23778
[INFO ] Private key saved to key.pem
[INFO ]   Inspect with OpenSSL: openssl rsa -in key.pem -noout -text
[INFO ] CSR saved to csr.pem
[INFO ]   Inspect with OpenSSL: openssl req -in csr.pem -noout -text
[INFO ]   Inspect with OpenSSL: openssl asn1parse -i -inform PEM -in csr.pem
[INFO ] Self-signed certificate saved to crt.pem
[INFO ]   Inspect with OpenSSL: openssl x509 -noout -text -in crt.pem
[INFO ]   Inspect with OpenSSL: openssl asn1parse -i -inform PEM -in crt.pem

Validate the self-signed X.509 certificate

$ spid-compliant-certificates validator --sector public
[INFO ] Validating certificate crt.pem against public sector specifications
[INFO ] Checking the key type and size: success
[INFO ]     The keypair must be RSA
[INFO ]     The key size must be greater than or equal to 2048 (now: 3072)
[INFO ]     The key size must be one of [2048, 3072, 4096] (now: 3072)
[INFO ] Checking the signature digest algorithm: success
[INFO ]     The digest algorithm must be one of ['sha256', 'sha512'] (now: sha256)
[INFO ] Checking the SubjectDN: success
[INFO ]     Name attribute [initials,] is not allowed in subjectDN
[INFO ]     Name attribute [name,] is not allowed in subjectDN
[INFO ]     Name attribute [emailAddress, 1.2.840.113549.1.9.1] is not allowed in subjectDN
[INFO ]     Name attribute [givenName,] is not allowed in subjectDN
[INFO ]     Name attribute [pseudonym,] is not allowed in subjectDN
[INFO ]     Name attribute [surname,] is not allowed in subjectDN
[INFO ]     Name attribute [organizationIdentifier,] must be present in subjectDN
[INFO ]     Name attribute [uri,] must be present in subjectDN
[INFO ]     Name attribute [commonName,] must be present in subjectDN
[INFO ]     Name attribute [countryName,] must be present in subjectDN
[INFO ]     Name attribute [localityName,] must be present in subjectDN
[INFO ]     Name attribute [localityName,] must be present in subjectDN
[INFO ]     Name attribute [organizationName,] must be present in subjectDN
[INFO ]     Value for name attribute [organizationName,] can not be empty
[INFO ]     Value for name attribute [commonName,] can not be empty
[INFO ]     Value for name attribute [Unknown OID,] can not be empty
[INFO ]     Value for name attribute [Unknown OID,] can not be empty
[INFO ]     Value for name attribute [Unknown OID,] must match [^PA:IT-\S{1,11}$] (now: PA:IT-c_h501)
[INFO ]     Value for name attribute [countryName,] can not be empty
[INFO ]     Value for name attribute [countryName,] is not a valid country code (IT)
[INFO ]     Value for name attribute [localityName,] can not be empty
[INFO ] Checking basicConstraints x509 extension: success
[INFO ]     basicConstraints can not be set as critical
[INFO ]     CA must be FALSE
[INFO ] Checking keyUsage x509 extension: success
[INFO ]     keyUsage must be set as critical
[INFO ]     content_commitment must be set
[INFO ]     digital_signature must be set
[INFO ]     crl_sign must be unset
[INFO ]     data_encipherment must be unset
[INFO ]     key_agreement must be unset
[INFO ]     key_cert_sign must be unset
[INFO ]     key_encipherment must be unset
[INFO ] Checking certificatePolicies x509 extension: success
[INFO ]     certificatePolicies can not be set as critical
[INFO ]     policy must be present
[INFO ]     policy must be present
[INFO ]     policy must have UserNotice.ExplicitText=agIDcert (now: agIDcert)
[INFO ]     policy must have UserNotice.ExplicitText=cert_SP_Pub (now: cert_SP_Pub)

Generate private key and CSR for private sector SPID service provider

$ spid-compliant-certificates generator \
    --key-size 3072 \
    --common-name "A.C.M.E" \
    --days 365 \
    --entity-id https://spid.acme.it \
    --locality-name Roma \
    --org-id "VATIT-12345678901" \
    --org-name "A Company Making Everything" \
    --sector private
[INFO ] Private key saved to key.pem
[INFO ]   Inspect with OpenSSL: openssl rsa -in key.pem -noout -text
[INFO ] CSR saved to csr.pem
[INFO ]   Inspect with OpenSSL: openssl req -in csr.pem -noout -text
[INFO ]   Inspect with OpenSSL: openssl asn1parse -i -inform PEM -in csr.pem

Are you looking for further info?

$ spid-compliant-certificates --help
$ spid-compliant-certificates generator --help
$ spid-compliant-certificates validator --help

Docker usage

Build the image locally

$ docker build --tag local/spid-compliant-certificates .

or pull it from Docker Hub

$ docker pull italia/spid-compliant-certificates

In order to access files generated/validated by the container, mount your local path to /certs, which is the default container working directory.

$ docker run -ti --rm \
    -v "/your/local/path:/certs" \
    italia/spid-compliant-certificates generator \
        --key-size 3072 \
        --common-name "A.C.M.E" \
        --days 365 \
        --entity-id https://spid.acme.it \
        --locality-name Roma \
        --org-id "PA:IT-c_h501" \
        --org-name "A Company Making Everything" \
        --sector public
[DEBUG] Starting new HTTPS connection (1): indicepa.gov.it:443
[DEBUG] https://indicepa.gov.it:443 "GET /ricerca/n-dettaglioamministrazione.php?cod_amm=c_h501 HTTP/1.1" 200 23778
[INFO ] Private key saved to key.pem
[INFO ]   Inspect with OpenSSL: openssl rsa -in key.pem -noout -text
[INFO ] CSR saved to csr.pem
[INFO ]   Inspect with OpenSSL: openssl req -in csr.pem -noout -text
[INFO ]   Inspect with OpenSSL: openssl asn1parse -i -inform PEM -in csr.pem
[INFO ] Self-signed certificate saved to crt.pem
[INFO ]   Inspect with OpenSSL: openssl x509 -noout -text -in crt.pem
[INFO ]   Inspect with OpenSSL: openssl asn1parse -i -inform PEM -in crt.pem

Dev usage

The package provides Pyton unittest test cases that can be imported in your Python project

import unittest

from spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases import TestPrivateSector
from spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases import TestPublicSector

if __name__ == '__main__':
    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
    loader = unittest.TestLoader()

    test_cases = (TestPrivateSector, TestPublicSector, YourOtherTestCase)
    for test_class in test_cases:
        tests = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_class)

    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()

Furtermore, they can also be executed from the command line as follows

$ CERT_FILE=/path/to/your/cert.pem python -m unittest -vv spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases.TestPrivateSector
test_basic_constraints (spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases.private_sector.TestPrivateSector) ... ok
test_certificate_policies (spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases.private_sector.TestPrivateSector) ... ok
test_digest_algorithm (spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases.private_sector.TestPrivateSector) ... ok
test_key_type_and_size (spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases.private_sector.TestPrivateSector) ... ok
test_key_usage (spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases.private_sector.TestPrivateSector) ... ok
test_subject_dn (spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases.private_sector.TestPrivateSector) ... ok

Ran 6 tests in 0.030s


$ CERT_FILE=/path/to/your/cert.pem python -m unittest -vv spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases.TestPublicSector
test_basic_constraints (spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases.public_sector.TestPublicSector) ... ok
test_certificate_policies (spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases.public_sector.TestPublicSector) ... ok
test_digest_algorithm (spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases.public_sector.TestPublicSector) ... ok
test_key_type_and_size (spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases.public_sector.TestPublicSector) ... ok
test_key_usage (spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases.public_sector.TestPublicSector) ... ok
test_subject_dn (spid_compliant_certificates.validator.test_cases.public_sector.TestPublicSector) ... ok

Ran 6 tests in 0.019s