
Indexer under construction.

pip install spindex==0.0.7



Library index:

  • Reliable metadata handling from ISBN numbers
  • Robust modern OCR of book indexes from neural networks pretrained for document image analysis
  • Data are managed as 'shelves':
    • If installing from a clone of the git repo, the files will be stored within the repo
    • If installing from PyPI, you must set the DEX_SHELVES environment variable with a path to locate the source files

Further handling of the data remains to be done:

  • Clean up errors in the transcription (punctuation etc.) as far as possible
    • Perhaps use low confidence to assist manual corrections if viable?
    • It may also be useful to try layoutparser as a '2nd opinion' (but the interface seems more complicated).
  • Geometry has been commented out of the data model, this could be useful to parse the layout. I would prefer to try avoiding this using simple alphabetical heuristics.

Additionally, I suggest serialising the outputs to JSON and storing alongside the images, to avoid reloading from the images each time.


  • Python 3.9+


dex is available from PyPI, and the code is on GitHub

In theory you can install as follows:

pip install spindex

In practice, the suggested installation is stored in CONDA_SETUP.md:

conda create -n dex "python=3.9"
conda activate dex
conda install -y pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt

For earlier versions of CUDA:

conda install -y "cudatoolkit<11.2" -c conda-forge
conda install -y pytorch torchvision -c pytorch


To prepare your library, photograph the index pages and store them in folders named by the ISBNs of the books. You then load your library metadata in dex like so:

>>> import dex
>>> l = dex.load_library()
>>> l
Library of 6 books
>>> l.items[0].metadata
'📖: Szeliski (2010) Computer Vision - Algorithms And Applications'
>>> l.items[0].metadata.title
'Computer Vision - Algorithms And Applications'
>>> l.items[0].metadata.first_author
'Richard Szeliski'
>>> l.items[0].metadata.first_author_surname

There's a helper method to scan the images of all the items in the library, Library.scan()

For a sense of what's inside, here's a "manual" version for one book:

>>> i = items[0]
>>> i.scan_images()
>>> p1 = i.scanned.pages[0]
>>> print(p1.page_idx) # 0
>>> b1, b2, b3 = p1.blocks[0:3]
>>> [w.value for w in b1.lines[0].words]

To show a bit more, you can see there's a bit more work to be done in cleaning up this output but the results are very promising.

The first step of the following [dense] snippet is to:

  • process the library's ISBNs (the l = dex.load_library() helper function)),
  • take the first item in the library (i = l.items[0])
  • and scan its page images (i.scan_images())

We can then group its words together by line, taking the first page image as example (iterating through all the 'blocks' identified on it by the page layout detection algorithm)

>>> import dex; l = dex.load_library(); i = l.items[0]; i.scan_images()
>>> from pprint import pprint; pp = lambda p: pprint(p, sort_dicts=False)
>>> pp([[[w.value for w in line.words] for line in b.lines] for b in i.scanned.pages[0].blocks])
 [['Accelerated', 'descent,', '352,353'],
  ['Accuracy,', '384'],
  ['Activation,', 'iv,', '375,376'],
  ['AD,', '397'],
  ['ADAGRAD,', '366'],
  ['ADAM,', '322,', '356,366'],
  ['Adaptive,', '407'],
  ['Adaptive', 'descent,', '356,', '361'],
  ['ADI', 'method,', '182'],
  ['Adjacency', 'matrix,', '203,', '240,', '291'],
  ['Adjoint', 'equation,', '405'],
  ['Adjoint', 'methods,', '404'],
  ['ADMM,', '99,', '185,', '187,', '188'],
  ['Affine,', 'ili'],
  ['AlexNet,', 'ix,', '373,415'],
  ['Aliasing,', '234'],
  ['AlphaGo', 'Zero,', '394,412'],
  ['Alternating', 'direction,', '185,', '191'],
  ['Alternating', 'minimization,', '97,', '106,', '199,']],
 [['Averages,', '236,', '365'],
  ['Back', 'substitution,', '25'],
  ['Backpropagation,', '102,', '344,371,'],
  ['Backslash,', '113,', '184'],
  ['Backtracking,', '328,', '351'],
  ['Backward', 'difference,', '123'],
  ['Backward-mode,', '397'],
  ['Banach', 'space,', '91'],
  ['Banded,', '203,', '232'],
  ['Bandpass', 'filter,', '233'],
  ['Basis,', '4,', '5,', '15,204,', '239'],
  ['Basis', 'pursuit,', '184,', '195'],
  ['Batch', 'mode,', '361'],
  ['Batch', 'normalization,', 'X,', '409,', '412'],
  ['Bayes', 'Theorem,', '303'],
  ['Bell-shaped', 'curve,', '279'],
  ['Bernoulli,', '287'],
  ['BFGS', 'quasi-Newton),', '165'],
  ['Bias,', 'in,', '375'],
  ['Bias-variance,', '374,', '412'],
  ['Bidiagonal', 'matrix,', '120'],
  ['Big', 'picture,', '14,', '18,', '31'],
  ['Binomial,', '270,', '271,', '275,', '287'],
  ['Binomial', 'theorem,', '385'],
  ['Bipartite', 'graph,', '256,', '340'],
  ['Block', 'Toeplitz,', '389'],
  ['BLUE', 'theorem,', '308'],
  ['Bootstrap,', '408'],
  ['Boundary', 'condition,', '229'],
  ['Bounded', 'variation,', '193,194'],
  ['Bowl,', '49'],
  ['Bregman', 'distance,', '192']],
 [['Antisymmetric,', '52'],
  ['Approximate', 'SVD,', '144,', '155'],
  ['Approximation,', '384'],
  ['Architecture,', '413'],
  ['Argmin,', '186,', '322'],
  ['Arnoldi,', '116,', '117'],
  ['Artificial', 'intelligence,', '371'],
  ['Associative', 'Law,', '13,', '163'],
  ['Asymptotic', 'rank,', '79'],
  ['Augmented', 'Lagrangian,', '185,', '187'],
  ['Autocorrelation,', '220'],
  ['Automatic', 'differentiation,', '371,397'],
  ['Average', 'pooling,', '379']],

An error creeps in here where the entry for "Alternating minimization" has 4 page numbers: 97, 106, 199, 252. The first three are on the same line as the entry label, but the 252 spills onto another line and is split apart by the layout parsing algorithm. Fortunately this can be detected in a couple of ways:

  • The alphabetical order in an index should be monotonic (obviously), and there are multiple chances to establish this in each block
  • The only time a number would appear in a block on its own would be if it was the page number or if one had been split apart like this.
  • Note that the block from 'Averages' through to 'Bregman distance' got inserted in between, and this is in fact the entire right column of the page: so shifting it after the next alphabetically preceding block (the end of the block from "Antisymmetric" through "Average pooling") would place it in the correct position.
  • Care must be taken as a page number could also appear at the top of the page. I suspect this will end up being unambiguous, however a multi-page processor should be able to identify monotonically increasing sequences of consecutive numbers and label them as page numbers of the index.

Currently the DocTreeDoc class (a nested data structure with all the words, lines, etc.) is stored on the scanned attribute of each LibraryItem in the Library object you get from dex.load_library().

>>> i = l.items[0]
>>> i.scan_images()
>>> for b in i.scanned.pages[0].blocks:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
...     for line in b.lines: print([w.value for w in line.words])                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
...     print()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
['3D', 'Rotations,', 'see', 'Rotations']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
['3D', 'alignment,', '283']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
['absolute', 'orientation,', '283,', '515']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
['orthogonal', 'Procrustes,', '283']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
['3D', 'photography,', '537']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
['3D', 'video,', '564']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
['Applications,', '5']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
['3D', 'model', 'reconstruction,', '319,327']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
['3D', 'photography,', '537']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
['augmented', 'reality,', '287,', '325']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
['automotive', 'safety,', '5']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
['background', 'replacement,', '489']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
['biometrics,', '588']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
['colorization,', '442']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
['de-interlacing,', '364']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
['digital', 'heritage,', '517']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
['document', 'scanning,', '379']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
['edge', 'editing,', '219']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
['facial', 'animation,', '528']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
['flash', 'photography,', '434']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
['frame', 'interpolation,', '368']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
['gaze', 'correction,', '483']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
['head', 'tracking,', '483']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
['hole', 'filling,', '457']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
['image', 'restoration,', '169']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
['image', 'search,', '630']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
['industrial,', '5']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
['intelligent', 'photo', 'editing,', '621']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
['Internet', 'photos,', '327']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
['location', 'recognition,', '609']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
['machine', 'inspection,', '5']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
['match', 'move,', '324']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
['medical', 'imaging,', '5,', '268,358']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
['morphing,', '152']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
['mosaic-based', 'video', 'compression,', '383']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
['non-photorealistic', 'rendering,', '458']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
['Optical', 'character', 'recognition', '(OCR),', '5']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
['panography,', '277']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
['performance-driven', 'animation,', '209']       
['photo', 'pop-up,', '623']                                                                                            
['Absolute', 'orientation,', '283,', '515']   
['Active', 'appearance', 'model', '(AAM),598']
['Active', 'contours,', '238']                                        
['Active', 'illumination,', '512']       
['Active', 'rangefinding,', '512']                                                                                                                                                                                                             
['Active', 'shape', 'model', '(ASM),', '243,598']
['Activity', 'recognition,', '534']                                                                         
['Adaptive', 'smoothing,', '111']    
['Affine', 'transforms,', '34,37']                                  
['Affinities', '(segmentation),', '260']
['normalizing,', '262']                                    
['Algebraic', 'multigrid,', '254']            
['testing,', 'viii']                        
['Aliasing,', '69,', '417']                                           
['Alignment,', 'see', 'Image', 'alignment']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
['opacity,', '93']                            
['pre-mulupled,', '93']                                              
['Alpha', 'matte,', '93']                                             
['Ambient', 'illumination,', '58']                                  
['Analog', 'to', 'digital', 'conversion', '(ADC),', '68']
['Anisotropic', 'diffusion,', '111']                       
['Anisotropic', 'filtering,', '148']                                                                                                                                                                                                           
['Anti-aliasing', 'filter,', '70,', '417']
['Aperture,', '62']                         
['Aperture', 'problem,', '347'] 

A naive approach can work with these to create the labels, but it helps to use geometry for c(l)ues.

>>> for b in i.scanned.pages[0].blocks:
...     for line in b.lines: print([(w.value, w.geometry) for w in line.words])
...     print()
[('Index', ((0.1044921875, 0.115234375), (0.2236328125, 0.146484375)))]

[('3D', ((0.103515625, 0.2265625), (0.130859375, 0.2421875))), ('Rotations,', ((0.1318359375, 0.224609375), (0.212890625, 0.2421875))), ('see', ((0.212890625, 0.2265625), (0.244140625, 0.2412109375))), ('Rotations', ((0.2451171875, 0.2255859375), (0.3232421875, 0.2392578125)))]
[('3D', ((0.103515625, 0.24609375), (0.130859375, 0.26171875))), ('alignment,', ((0.130859375, 0.2451171875), (0.21484375, 0.2626953125))), ('283', ((0.216796875, 0.244140625), (0.2509765625, 0.259765625)))]
[('absolute', ((0.140625, 0.2646484375), (0.2080078125, 0.279296875))), ('orientation,', ((0.2099609375, 0.2646484375), (0.3017578125, 0.279296875))), ('283,', ((0.3046875, 0.2646484375), (0.3427734375, 0.2802734375))), ('515', ((0.3427734375, 0.2626953125), (0.3779296875, 0.28125)))]
[('orthogonal', ((0.1416015625, 0.28515625), (0.2265625, 0.2998046875))), ('Procrustes,', ((0.2294921875, 0.283203125), (0.3193359375, 0.30078125))), ('283', ((0.3212890625, 0.283203125), (0.3544921875, 0.298828125)))]
[('3D', ((0.103515625, 0.3046875), (0.130859375, 0.3203125))), ('photography,', ((0.130859375, 0.3037109375), (0.234375, 0.3212890625))), ('537', ((0.236328125, 0.302734375), (0.2705078125, 0.318359375)))]
[('3D', ((0.103515625, 0.3232421875), (0.1298828125, 0.33984375))), ('video,', ((0.12890625, 0.322265625), (0.181640625, 0.33984375))), ('564', ((0.181640625, 0.322265625), (0.2158203125, 0.337890625)))]

[('Applications,', ((0.5517578125, 0.228515625), (0.6572265625, 0.24609375))), ('5', ((0.6591796875, 0.2275390625), (0.673828125, 0.244140625)))]

[('3D', ((0.5888671875, 0.2470703125), (0.6181640625, 0.263671875))), ('model', ((0.619140625, 0.248046875), (0.6708984375, 0.2626953125))), ('reconstruction,', ((0.671875, 0.25), (0.7900390625, 0.263671875))), ('319,327', ((0.7919921875, 0.2470703125), (0.865234375, 0.265625)))]
[('3D', ((0.5888671875, 0.2666015625), (0.6181640625, 0.283203125))), ('photography,', ((0.6201171875, 0.26953125), (0.72265625, 0.2841796875))), ('537', ((0.724609375, 0.267578125), (0.7578125, 0.283203125)))]
[('augmented', ((0.58984375, 0.2890625), (0.677734375, 0.3037109375))), ('reality,', ((0.6787109375, 0.287109375), (0.7373046875, 0.3046875))), ('287,', ((0.7392578125, 0.287109375), (0.7763671875, 0.302734375))), ('325', ((0.7763671875, 0.287109375), (0.8095703125, 0.302734375)))]
[('automotive', ((0.58984375, 0.3076171875), (0.6796875, 0.3212890625))), ('safety,', ((0.6806640625, 0.3056640625), (0.7353515625, 0.32421875))), ('5', ((0.736328125, 0.3056640625), (0.7509765625, 0.322265625)))]
[('background', ((0.5908203125, 0.3271484375), (0.68359375, 0.341796875))), ('replacement,', ((0.6865234375, 0.3271484375), (0.7890625, 0.341796875))), ('489', ((0.791015625, 0.3251953125), (0.8251953125, 0.3408203125)))]
[('biometrics,', ((0.58984375, 0.3466796875), (0.6787109375, 0.361328125))), ('588', ((0.681640625, 0.3447265625), (0.71484375, 0.3603515625)))]
[('colorization,', ((0.58984375, 0.3662109375), (0.689453125, 0.380859375))), ('442', ((0.69140625, 0.3642578125), (0.7255859375, 0.3798828125)))]
[('de-interlacing,', ((0.58984375, 0.3857421875), (0.7041015625, 0.400390625))), ('364', ((0.70703125, 0.3837890625), (0.7412109375, 0.3994140625)))]
[('digital', ((0.587890625, 0.4033203125), (0.6416015625, 0.421875))), ('heritage,', ((0.642578125, 0.404296875), (0.71484375, 0.421875))), ('517', ((0.7158203125, 0.4033203125), (0.75, 0.4189453125)))]
[('document', ((0.5888671875, 0.4248046875), (0.6689453125, 0.4384765625))), ('scanning,', ((0.669921875, 0.4248046875), (0.748046875, 0.439453125))), ('379', ((0.7509765625, 0.4228515625), (0.783203125, 0.4384765625)))]
[('edge', ((0.587890625, 0.4423828125), (0.6298828125, 0.4609375))), ('editing,', ((0.62890625, 0.4423828125), (0.6923828125, 0.4599609375))), ('219', ((0.693359375, 0.4423828125), (0.7275390625, 0.4580078125)))]
[('facial', ((0.58984375, 0.4619140625), (0.6337890625, 0.4775390625))), ('animation,', ((0.63671875, 0.462890625), (0.72265625, 0.4775390625))), ('528', ((0.724609375, 0.4619140625), (0.7587890625, 0.4775390625)))]
[('flash', ((0.5888671875, 0.4814453125), (0.62890625, 0.4970703125))), ('photography,', ((0.630859375, 0.4833984375), (0.7353515625, 0.498046875))), ('434', ((0.736328125, 0.4794921875), (0.7724609375, 0.498046875)))]
[('frame', ((0.5888671875, 0.5009765625), (0.63671875, 0.515625))), ('interpolation,', ((0.640625, 0.501953125), (0.7470703125, 0.5166015625))), ('368', ((0.7490234375, 0.5009765625), (0.783203125, 0.5166015625)))]
[('gaze', ((0.587890625, 0.5224609375), (0.62890625, 0.537109375))), ('correction,', ((0.6298828125, 0.521484375), (0.7158203125, 0.5361328125))), ('483', ((0.7177734375, 0.5205078125), (0.751953125, 0.53515625)))]
[('head', ((0.587890625, 0.5390625), (0.6298828125, 0.5537109375))), ('tracking,', ((0.630859375, 0.5390625), (0.703125, 0.556640625))), ('483', ((0.703125, 0.5380859375), (0.7392578125, 0.556640625)))]
[('hole', ((0.5888671875, 0.55859375), (0.626953125, 0.5732421875))), ('filling,', ((0.626953125, 0.55859375), (0.6826171875, 0.576171875))), ('457', ((0.681640625, 0.5576171875), (0.7177734375, 0.576171875)))]
[('image', ((0.58984375, 0.5791015625), (0.640625, 0.595703125))), ('restoration,', ((0.642578125, 0.580078125), (0.7333984375, 0.5947265625))), ('169', ((0.7373046875, 0.5771484375), (0.7724609375, 0.595703125)))]
[('image', ((0.5888671875, 0.59765625), (0.6416015625, 0.615234375))), ('search,', ((0.640625, 0.59765625), (0.701171875, 0.615234375))), ('630', ((0.703125, 0.59765625), (0.736328125, 0.61328125)))]
[('industrial,', ((0.58984375, 0.6181640625), (0.671875, 0.6328125))), ('5', ((0.6728515625, 0.6171875), (0.6875, 0.6328125)))]
[('intelligent', ((0.5908203125, 0.63671875), (0.6728515625, 0.654296875))), ('photo', ((0.67578125, 0.638671875), (0.7236328125, 0.654296875))), ('editing,', ((0.724609375, 0.6376953125), (0.7880859375, 0.65625))), ('621', ((0.7900390625, 0.6376953125), (0.8232421875, 0.6552734375)))]
[('Internet', ((0.5908203125, 0.6572265625), (0.6552734375, 0.671875))), ('photos,', ((0.6572265625, 0.6572265625), (0.7177734375, 0.6748046875))), ('327', ((0.7177734375, 0.65625), (0.7529296875, 0.6748046875)))]
[('location', ((0.5908203125, 0.6767578125), (0.6572265625, 0.69140625))), ('recognition,', ((0.658203125, 0.677734375), (0.7578125, 0.6953125))), ('609', ((0.7578125, 0.677734375), (0.79296875, 0.6923828125)))]
[('machine', ((0.5908203125, 0.6962890625), (0.6611328125, 0.7109375))), ('inspection,', ((0.662109375, 0.697265625), (0.751953125, 0.71484375))), ('5', ((0.7529296875, 0.697265625), (0.767578125, 0.712890625)))]
[('match', ((0.5908203125, 0.716796875), (0.642578125, 0.7314453125))), ('move,', ((0.642578125, 0.71875), (0.6953125, 0.7333984375))), ('324', ((0.697265625, 0.716796875), (0.7314453125, 0.732421875)))]
[('medical', ((0.591796875, 0.736328125), (0.65625, 0.7509765625))), ('imaging,', ((0.658203125, 0.736328125), (0.7314453125, 0.7548828125))), ('5,', ((0.732421875, 0.736328125), (0.7548828125, 0.75390625))), ('268,358', ((0.7509765625, 0.7353515625), (0.8251953125, 0.7529296875)))]
[('morphing,', ((0.591796875, 0.7578125), (0.6748046875, 0.7724609375))), ('152', ((0.6787109375, 0.755859375), (0.7119140625, 0.771484375)))]
[('mosaic-based', ((0.591796875, 0.7763671875), (0.701171875, 0.7900390625))), ('video', ((0.7041015625, 0.775390625), (0.7509765625, 0.7900390625))), ('compression,', ((0.7529296875, 0.77734375), (0.857421875, 0.7919921875))), ('383', ((0.8583984375, 0.7734375), (0.89453125, 0.7919921875)))]
[('non-photorealistic', ((0.5927734375, 0.796875), (0.736328125, 0.810546875))), ('rendering,', ((0.7392578125, 0.794921875), (0.8232421875, 0.8125))), ('458', ((0.8232421875, 0.794921875), (0.857421875, 0.810546875)))]
[('Optical', ((0.5908203125, 0.8134765625), (0.65234375, 0.8310546875))), ('character', ((0.654296875, 0.81640625), (0.73046875, 0.8291015625))), ('recognition', ((0.7314453125, 0.814453125), (0.82421875, 0.83203125))), ('(OCR),', ((0.826171875, 0.8134765625), (0.892578125, 0.8310546875))), ('5', ((0.8857421875, 0.8134765625), (0.9013671875, 0.8291015625)))]
[('panography,', ((0.5908203125, 0.833984375), (0.6904296875, 0.8515625))), ('277', ((0.69140625, 0.833984375), (0.7255859375, 0.849609375)))]
[('performance-driven', ((0.591796875, 0.8544921875), (0.7490234375, 0.869140625))), ('animation,', ((0.751953125, 0.8544921875), (0.837890625, 0.869140625))), ('209', ((0.83984375, 0.853515625), (0.873046875, 0.869140625)))]
[('photo', ((0.5908203125, 0.873046875), (0.6396484375, 0.888671875))), ('pop-up,', ((0.640625, 0.875), (0.705078125, 0.8896484375))), ('623', ((0.70703125, 0.873046875), (0.740234375, 0.888671875)))]

[('Absolute', ((0.1044921875, 0.36328125), (0.1728515625, 0.3779296875))), ('orientation,', ((0.17578125, 0.3623046875), (0.26953125, 0.3798828125))), ('283,', ((0.271484375, 0.36328125), (0.30859375, 0.37890625))), ('515', ((0.310546875, 0.36328125), (0.3447265625, 0.37890625)))]
[('Active', ((0.103515625, 0.3828125), (0.1552734375, 0.3974609375))), ('appearance', ((0.15625, 0.384765625), (0.248046875, 0.3994140625))), ('model', ((0.25, 0.3828125), (0.3037109375, 0.3974609375))), ('(AAM),598', ((0.3046875, 0.3828125), (0.40625, 0.400390625)))]
[('Active', ((0.103515625, 0.40234375), (0.1552734375, 0.4169921875))), ('contours,', ((0.158203125, 0.4052734375), (0.2314453125, 0.4169921875))), ('238', ((0.234375, 0.40234375), (0.267578125, 0.4169921875)))]
[('Active', ((0.103515625, 0.421875), (0.1552734375, 0.4365234375))), ('illumination,', ((0.1572265625, 0.4228515625), (0.259765625, 0.4365234375))), ('512', ((0.2626953125, 0.421875), (0.2978515625, 0.4365234375)))]
[('Active', ((0.1025390625, 0.44140625), (0.1552734375, 0.4560546875))), ('rangefinding,', ((0.15625, 0.44140625), (0.2646484375, 0.458984375))), ('512', ((0.265625, 0.44140625), (0.30078125, 0.45703125)))]
[('Active', ((0.1025390625, 0.4609375), (0.1552734375, 0.4755859375))), ('shape', ((0.15625, 0.4619140625), (0.2041015625, 0.4775390625))), ('model', ((0.2060546875, 0.4609375), (0.259765625, 0.4755859375))), ('(ASM),', ((0.2607421875, 0.4609375), (0.3271484375, 0.478515625))), ('243,598', ((0.3271484375, 0.4619140625), (0.3984375, 0.4765625)))]
[('Activity', ((0.1025390625, 0.48046875), (0.16796875, 0.498046875))), ('recognition,', ((0.169921875, 0.482421875), (0.2666015625, 0.4970703125))), ('534', ((0.26953125, 0.48046875), (0.302734375, 0.49609375)))]
[('Adaptive', ((0.1025390625, 0.5), (0.1728515625, 0.5185546875))), ('smoothing,', ((0.1767578125, 0.501953125), (0.2666015625, 0.5166015625))), ('111', ((0.2705078125, 0.5), (0.302734375, 0.515625)))]
[('Affine', ((0.1015625, 0.5205078125), (0.15234375, 0.53515625))), ('transforms,', ((0.1552734375, 0.5205078125), (0.24609375, 0.53515625))), ('34,37', ((0.248046875, 0.5185546875), (0.3037109375, 0.5361328125)))]
[('Affinities', ((0.1025390625, 0.5400390625), (0.1767578125, 0.5546875))), ('(segmentation),', ((0.1796875, 0.541015625), (0.3037109375, 0.5556640625))), ('260', ((0.306640625, 0.5390625), (0.341796875, 0.5546875)))]
[('normalizing,', ((0.1396484375, 0.560546875), (0.240234375, 0.5751953125))), ('262', ((0.244140625, 0.55859375), (0.2783203125, 0.57421875)))]
[('Algebraic', ((0.1025390625, 0.5791015625), (0.1787109375, 0.5966796875))), ('multigrid,', ((0.1826171875, 0.5791015625), (0.2646484375, 0.5966796875))), ('254', ((0.265625, 0.5791015625), (0.2998046875, 0.5947265625)))]
[('Algorithms', ((0.103515625, 0.5986328125), (0.1923828125, 0.6162109375)))]
[('testing,', ((0.138671875, 0.619140625), (0.19921875, 0.63671875))), ('viii', ((0.2001953125, 0.6181640625), (0.2314453125, 0.6337890625)))]
[('Aliasing,', ((0.1025390625, 0.6376953125), (0.173828125, 0.6552734375))), ('69,', ((0.17578125, 0.638671875), (0.2041015625, 0.6552734375))), ('417', ((0.2041015625, 0.638671875), (0.2392578125, 0.654296875)))]
[('Alignment,', ((0.1025390625, 0.658203125), (0.19140625, 0.67578125))), ('see', ((0.1923828125, 0.66015625), (0.22265625, 0.6748046875))), ('Image', ((0.22265625, 0.658203125), (0.2763671875, 0.67578125))), ('alignment', ((0.27734375, 0.658203125), (0.3603515625, 0.67578125)))]
[('Alpha', ((0.1025390625, 0.6767578125), (0.15234375, 0.6953125)))]
[('opacity,', ((0.1396484375, 0.69921875), (0.203125, 0.7138671875))), ('93', ((0.2041015625, 0.697265625), (0.2294921875, 0.7138671875)))]
[('pre-mulupled,', ((0.1416015625, 0.71875), (0.2666015625, 0.7333984375))), ('93', ((0.259765625, 0.716796875), (0.2841796875, 0.7333984375)))]
[('Alpha', ((0.1044921875, 0.736328125), (0.15234375, 0.751953125))), ('matte,', ((0.1533203125, 0.73828125), (0.2041015625, 0.7529296875))), ('93', ((0.205078125, 0.736328125), (0.23046875, 0.7529296875)))]
[('Ambient', ((0.10546875, 0.7568359375), (0.171875, 0.7685546875))), ('illumination,', ((0.17578125, 0.7568359375), (0.27734375, 0.771484375))), ('58', ((0.279296875, 0.755859375), (0.3037109375, 0.7724609375)))]
[('Analog', ((0.103515625, 0.7744140625), (0.1630859375, 0.79296875))), ('to', ((0.162109375, 0.775390625), (0.18359375, 0.7919921875))), ('digital', ((0.18359375, 0.775390625), (0.2373046875, 0.79296875))), ('conversion', ((0.23828125, 0.7763671875), (0.3271484375, 0.791015625))), ('(ADC),', ((0.328125, 0.775390625), (0.3916015625, 0.79296875))), ('68', ((0.3916015625, 0.7744140625), (0.4169921875, 0.791015625)))]
[('Anisotropic', ((0.103515625, 0.7939453125), (0.1962890625, 0.8115234375))), ('diffusion,', ((0.19921875, 0.7958984375), (0.275390625, 0.810546875))), ('111', ((0.279296875, 0.794921875), (0.3095703125, 0.810546875)))]
[('Anisotropic', ((0.103515625, 0.814453125), (0.1962890625, 0.83203125))), ('filtering,', ((0.19921875, 0.814453125), (0.2685546875, 0.83203125))), ('148', ((0.2705078125, 0.814453125), (0.3037109375, 0.830078125)))]
[('Anti-aliasing', ((0.1044921875, 0.833984375), (0.2060546875, 0.8515625))), ('filter,', ((0.208984375, 0.8349609375), (0.2529296875, 0.8505859375))), ('70,', ((0.25390625, 0.833984375), (0.283203125, 0.8505859375))), ('417', ((0.2822265625, 0.833984375), (0.3173828125, 0.849609375)))]
[('Aperture,', ((0.1025390625, 0.853515625), (0.1787109375, 0.87109375))), ('62', ((0.1796875, 0.853515625), (0.2041015625, 0.8701171875)))]
[('Aperture', ((0.1025390625, 0.873046875), (0.173828125, 0.890625))), ('problem,', ((0.17578125, 0.8740234375), (0.2490234375, 0.8916015625))), ('347', ((0.2509765625, 0.873046875), (0.2841796875, 0.888671875)))]

The geometry bounding boxes are the (x,y) coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners. It's clear that the first and second row are aligned on their left-hand side as the x value of their top-left is very similar: 0.1044, 0.1035 mostly. However the second block also has 0.140 and 0.141, which could either be a column or an indent in the entry.

An indent in the entry can either be a sub-entry or the continuation of the line (in which case you'd expect it to be a numeric string, though possibly Roman numeric!)