
Python tool designed to reorganize large Python projects into minified files based on a specified token limit. This is particularly useful for processing large Python projects with GPT models, as it allows the models to handle the data in manageable chunks.

python, code-summarization, openai, text-summarization, summarization, code-processing, gpt, data-preprocessing, openai-gpt, gpt-3, gpt-4, gpt-35-turbo, gpt-35-turbo-16k
pip install split-python4gpt==1.0.3



split_python4gpt is a Python tool designed to reorganize large Python projects into minified files based on a specified token limit. This is particularly useful for processing large Python projects with GPT models, as it allows the models to handle the data in manageable chunks.

Version 1.0.3 (2023-06-22)


Warning: The code does not yet implement the splitting or token counting, only type inference and minification. Use at your own risk.


You can install split_python4gpt via pip:

pip install split_python4gpt

CLI Usage

After installation, you can use the pysplit4gpt or python3.10 -m split_python4gpt command:

python3.10 -m split_python4gpt PATH_OR_FOLDER [FLAGS]

        Type: str | pathlib.Path
        Path to the input Python file or folder.

    -o, --out=OUT
        Type: Optional[str | pathlib...
        Default: None
        Output folder for the processed files. Defaults to input folder.
    -p, --pyis=PYIS
        Type: Optional[str | pathlib...
        Default: None
        Directory for storing generated .pyi files. Defaults to the output folder.
    -t, --types=TYPES
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        Infer types using PyType? Defaults to True.
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        Minify the Python scripts? Defaults to True.
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        Remove docstrings? Defaults to True.
        Type: bool
        Default: False
        Rename global names? Defaults to False.
        Type: bool
        Default: False
        Rename local names? Defaults to False.
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        Hoist literal statements? Defaults to True.
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        Remove annotations? Defaults to True.
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        Remove asserts? Defaults to True.
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        Remove debugging statements? Defaults to True.
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        Combine imports? Defaults to True.
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        Remove object base? Defaults to True.
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        Remove pass statements? Defaults to True.
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        Convert positional to keyword args? Defaults to True.
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        Remove explicit return None statements? Defaults to True.
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        Remove shebang? Defaults to True.

Python usage


  • v1.0.0: Initial release


Contributions to split_python4gpt are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.
