a utility library to help environment bootstrapping scripts

pip install sprinter==1.4.2



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It's recommended to use Sprinter's standalone installer:


cd /tmp/; rm sprinter; curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/toumorokoshi/sprinter/master/scripts/sandbox.sh > /tmp/sprinter; bash /tmp/sprinter

Debian-Based (e.g. Ubuntu):

cd /tmp/; rm sandbox.sh; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/toumorokoshi/sprinter/master/scripts/sandbox.sh -O sandbox.sh; bash sandbox.sh

You can also install sprinter using easy_install or pip (not recommended, it's easier to update with the standalone):

(sudo) easy_install http://github.com/toumorokoshi/sprinter/tarball/master

(sudo) pip install http://github.com/toumorokoshi/sprinter/tarball/master

What is it?

A cross-platform environment bootstrapping framework!

Sprinter is a framework designed to making bootstrapping development environments easier. There are three main components to a usable sprinter environment:

  • This python egg, to fully utilize the framework
  • a sprinter.cfg file, which contains the configuration necessary to install features
  • sprinter formulas, which each feature uses as it's instruction manual on how to setup, update, and remove itself

Read more about Sprinter on the docs

Command list

Install an environment:

sprinter install ENVIRONMENT.cfg
sprinter install http://myenvironment.cfg

Install the environment specified in the environment.cfg file. It will update an environment if it already exists.:

sprinter update MY_ENVIRONMENT


sprinter activate MY_ENVIRONMENT

deactivate MY_ENVIRONMENT:

sprinter deactivate MY_ENVIRONMENT


sprinter remove MY_ENVIRONMENT

Installing with brewed Python (OS X)

Brewed python (installed via brew install python), by default sets a prefix value in ~/.pydistutils.cfg. If this value is set, due to a bug in Python's setup tools, the Sprinter install will fail. To get around this issue do the following.

Remove all traces of brewed python:

brew uninstall python
brew uninstall pyenv-virtualenv

Manually move all virtualenv* files under /usr/local/bin to another folder:

sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin/venv-old
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/virtualenv* /usr/local/bin/venv-old/

Open a new terminal tab and double-check that you're in a clean state:

which python # => /usr/bin/python
which virtualenv # => virtualenv not found

Install Python and virtualenv(wrapper):

brew install python --with-brewed-openssl
# Open a new terminal tab now (to access /usr/local/bin/python)
pip install virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper

Original source via stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16860971/cant-pip-install-virtualenv-in-os-x-10-8-with-brewed-python-2-7