
An extension for sqlalchemy

pip install sqlalchemy-tx-context==0.3.0


SQLAlchemy Transaction Context

An extension for sqlalchemy to store the session object in context and simplify the retrieval of the query result.

Create instance

from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine
from sqlalchemy_tx_context import SQLAlchemyTransactionContext

engine = create_async_engine(...)
db = SQLAlchemyTransactionContext(engine)

Execute query

SQLAlchemyTransactionContext contains the following methods for creating queries with execution through a context session:

  • select
  • insert
  • update
  • delete
  • union
  • union_all
  • exists

Query will use a session from the context.

async def some_repository_method():
    await db.insert(...).values(...).execute()

async def some_function():
    async with db.transaction() as tx:
        await some_repository_method()
        await tx.rollback() # Record will not be inserted

If there is no session in the context, a default session will be created to execute a single query.

async def some_repository_method():
    await db.insert(...).values(...).execute()

async def some_function():
      await some_repository_method()

Calling the transaction method inside the session will create a nested transaction.

async def some_function():
    async with db.transaction() as tx1:
        isinstance(tx1, AsyncSession) # True
        async with db.transaction() as tx2:
            isinstance(tx2, AsyncSessionTransaction) # True

Execute query with proxy methods

List of proxy methods added to the request object

Proxy methods for the AsyncSession properties:

  • execute
  • scalar
  • scalars


value = await db.select(...).execute()

The same as:

async with async_sessionmaker(engine).begin() as tx:
    result = await tx.execute(select(...))

Proxy methods for the Result properties:

  • first
  • all


value = await db.select(...).first()

The same as:

async with async_sessionmaker(engine).begin() as tx:
    result = await tx.execute(select(...))
    value = result.first()

Proxy methods for the MappingResult properties:

  • mapped_first
  • mapped_one
  • mapped_all


value = await db.select(...).mapped_first()

The same as:

async with async_sessionmaker(engine).begin() as tx:
    result = await tx.execute(select(...))
    value = result.mappings().first()

Proxy method for the CursorResult:

  • rowcount