Tools for make SQL statement can accept argument and group together on run times

sql, formatting, reporting, formatter, python3
pip install sqlformat==0.1.3


SQL format module

Project target create a simple module support dynamic inject variable to sql statement and batch execute SQL statement

Table of contents


pip3 install sqlformat


Project is using pipenv to manage dependency

So in order to get started, install pipenv first.

pip3 install pipenv
# Or if you are mac user
brew install pipenv

After install pipenv, you can setup this repo by following command

pipenv --three install


Following command will execute all test and shown the code coverage report

pipenv shell
py.test --cov=sqlformat



A json array contain list file that contain sql statement to be execute

Example: Sample procedure

Statement variable

A place holder to used for inject value on run-time, it using Standard python string format. So any feature supported by "".format() will worked on statement variable

Example: Sample statement with variable


Stored on local file system

from sqlformat import SQLBatch
from sqlformat import LocalStorageStrategy
from sqlformat import ResultBufferStrategy

sql_batch = SQLBatch(LocalStorageStrategy(), ResultBufferStrategy())
sql_batch.add_procedure('./tests/fixture/procedure/sample.json', {
    "keyword": {
        "foo": "10",
        "bar": "20"
statements = sql_batch.get_statements() # Will contain both hello01 & hello02.sql
print(statements) #Statement contain {foo}, {bar} will replace to 10 & 20

Stored on AWS S3

import boto3

from sqlformat import SQLBatch
from sqlformat import AWSStorageStrategy
from sqlformat import ResultBufferStrategy

s3_client = boto3.resource('s3')

sql_batch = SQLBatch(AWSStorageStrategy(s3_client), ResultBufferStrategy())
sql_batch.add_procedure('s3://dng-misc/procedure/sample.json', {
    "keyword": {
        "foo": "10",
        "bar": "20"
statements = sql_batch.get_statements() # Will contain both hello01 & hello02.sql
print(statements) #Statement contain {foo}, {bar} will replace to 10 & 20

Best Practice

  1. Use "" as prefix and "" as suffix of variable name if variable suppose is injected by program rather then user input.

Example: "temp_table"