
Sequence matcher with displacement detection.

sql, transform, translate
pip install sqltrans==0.0.3



Sqltrans is a package containing tools and framework to search through parsed sql statement tree and transform it. Main purpose is to create environment for defining sql dialect transformation rules. Some sql translation rules may be added to the project in the future - there are already few of them for demonstration purposes.

Sqltrans is based on modified version of sqlparse package.


  • Python >= 3.8


  • pip install sqltrans



Sqltrans provides fluent interface for searching through sql statement parsed tree.

import sqlparse
import sqlparse.sql as s
import sqlparse.tokens as t

from sqltrans.search import Search

sql = "select cast(substring(tab.field, 1, 4) as int) from tab"
parsed = sqlparse.parse(sql)[0]

cast_call = Search(parsed).get(sql_class=s.Function, pattern='cast.*').result().one()
# >>> cast(substring(tab.field, 1, 4) as int)

substring_params = Search(parsed) \
.get(sql_class=s.Function, pattern='substring.*').first() \
.get(sql_class=s.IdentifierList).first() \
.exclude(ttype=(t.Punctuation, t.Whitespace), levels=1) \
# >>> [<Identifier 'tab.fi...' at 0x22EBBD73610>, <Name 'tab' at 0x22EBBD9B280>, <Name 'field' at 0x22EBBD9B340>, <Integer '1' at 0x22EBBD9B460>, <Integer '4' at 0x22EBBD9B580>]

Parsed search is performed in a recursive manner. Entry point for a Search can be parsed sql statement, or Iterable of parsed statements. get call returns all groups or tokens meeting the condition. Using multiple get statements can be used to express more complex condition. exclude is opposite to get.

levels parameter in get / exclude calls defines how deep the recursion should be. Search step can be restricted to be performed only on a top level by settings levels=1. If levels is not specified then full recursion search is performed.

Placing first and last methods after every get and exclude ensures, that next search step will be performed over Single parsed statement, instead of Iterable of statements - it is important to note that in case of single parsed statement next search step will start from children tokens of parsed statement, but in case of iterable of statements it will start from statement itself (for i in parsed.tokens vs for i in [parsed]). It must be implicitly declared using first and last, that We want to work on a single parsed element (even if get returns only one element).

Use search method to retrieve search result. Result can be returned as one(), or as_list(). one() will raise an exception if number of search results is different from 1.

Predefined queries

Predefined queries are helper functions which utilize Search objects.

# ... continuing previous example

from sqltrans.queries import get_function_params, get_function_name

substring_func = Search(parsed).get(sql_class=s.Function, pattern='substring.*').result().one()
substring_params = get_function_params(substring_func)
# >>> [<Identifier 'tab.fi...' at 0x19DB83436F0>, <Integer '1' at 0x19DB836B460>, <Integer '4' at 0x19DB836B580>]

functions = [get_function_name(i) for i in Search(parsed).get(sql_class=s.Function).result().as_list()]
# >>> ['cast', 'substring']


  • extending translation (adding new rules)
  • adding translation (registering, overwriting)
  • creating rules
  • reusing rules
  • composite translation