
An easy encapsulation for paramiko library which contains only common operations (ssh, sftp, expect..)

ssh, sftp, easy, paramiko, non-blocking
pip install ssh-lite==1.9



An easy encapsulation for paramiko library which contains only common operations, useful for automatic test and CI/CD deploy.


  • Version 1.9 supports python2 code for old projects.
  • Version 1.7 is a bugfix version that fixes bugs in doc and lower the chance of messy code (bc multi bytes character splits into different segments).
  • Version 1.5 is a bugfix version that handles possible UnicodeEncodeError of terminal output when using an actually bytesIO terminal as debug_file (i.e. stdout).
  • Version 1.4 is an enhance version that supports debug info redirection and expect-fail-assertion.
  • Version 1.2 is a bugfix version that supports servers without SFTP service (e.g. Gateway Servers).


  • Interactive shell commands without blocking
    • send for sending a command only
    • send_and_read is the most common, for sending a command and read all returnes in a timeout period (timeout will be updated after receiving any bytes)
    • get_buff for reading all buffers from the terminal in a timeout period
  • Uploading or downloading files between local and remote server
  • Expect function (may raise an exception for timeout or any unexpect pattern you set)
  • Grep function and keys abbreviations
  • Output redirection



pip install ssh-lite

or update

pip install -U ssh-lite

a simple example

from ssh_lite import Server

ci = Server("", "123456", "root")
ci.send_and_read("")    # waiting connection output done, avoid getting extra output before "ls -l" like "Last login: Tue ..."
print(ci.send_and_read("ls -l"))
del ci

the effect is like

ls -l
total 1736
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  1775417 Aug 25  2019
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root  root      289 Feb 20 12:00
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root  root      136 Nov 22 21:18 upload

another little complex example to explain the functions

from ssh_lite import Server, KeyAbbr

remote = "/docker_binding_path"
file = "test.file"

with Server("", "123456", "root", port=22, key_path=None) as ci:  # type: Server  # rsa keys are supported
    ci.debug = True     # to see server inputs and outputs
    ci.get_file("/a_log_file_to_get", ".")      # getting files doesn't need destination filename 
    ci.send_and_read("mkdir -p " + remote, timeout=1)
    ci.send_and_read("rm -f {}*".format(remote), timeout=1)
    ci.put_file("prepare/" + file, remote + file)      # putting files strictly need destination filename
    ci.send_and_read("", timeout=1)
    cmd = 'docker exec -i container_name curl -v "{}&uri=me"'.format(
    print("inner cmd is: {}".format(cmd))
    ci.expect("< HTTP/1.1 200 OK", timeout=30, failpat=["< HTTP/1.1 4", "< HTTP/1.1 5"])      
    # will raise an exception if we cannot see 200 OK response in 30 secs or if we find any 4xx 5xx response
    ci.send(KeyAbbr.CTRL_C, end="")      # sending a CTRL+C to exit the HTTP2 long connection
    ci.send('exit')       # exit from container to release the connection

Bug report

  • Issues and bugs report to
  • Homepage icon leads to my Github project page, issues / PRs / stars are welcomed :)