
sshh is an ssh helper tool for batch registration of ssh private keys in ssh-agent

ssh, utility
pip install sshh==0.10.0



sshh is an ssh helper tool for batch registration of ssh private keys in ssh-agent.

The main purpose of sshh is to avoid ssh: Too many authentication failures that occurs when the number of keys registered in ssh-agent exceeds a certain number. This error occurs when the upper limit of key attempts is exceeded when the server is setting the upper limit of private key attempts strictly.

This problem can be avoided by clearing all the keys registered in ssh-agent and registering as many as necessary, or entering the passphrase each time. However, in situations where there are multiple keys and servers, ssh connections can be very cumbersome. sshh uses Python's subprocess package to start a new ssh-agent, and further calls ssh-add to collectively register as many private keys as necessary. This relieves you from the hassle.



(.venv) $ sshh-config init
Enter password for your registry: xxxxx
The registry file ~/.sshh.registry is created.

Change password

(.venv) $ sshh-config chpw
Enter CURRENT password for your registry: xxxxx
Enter NEW password for your registry: yyyyy
Enter NEW password again for verification: yyyyy
Password has been changed.

Register key

(.venv) $ sshh-add -g prod ~/id_rsa_server1
Enter password for your registry: xxxxx
Enter passphrase for the keyfile: yyyyy
The keyfile is registered.

List keys

(.venv) $ sshh-add -l
Enter password for your registry: xxxxx


Invoke ssh-agent

(venv) $ sshh-agent -g prod
Enter password for your registry: xxxxx
Enter password for your registry:
Registering keys for session "prod"
ssh-agent PID=67779 session "prod" has been started. To close this session, exit shell.
[prod] (venv) $
[prod] (venv) $ exit
ssh-agent PID=67779 session "prod" has been closed.
(venv) $