
Static Token And Credential Scanner CI Integrations.

pip install stacs-ci==0.1.6


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Static Token And Credential Scanner
CI Integrations

What is it?

STACS is a YARA powered static credential scanner which supports source code, binary file formats, analysis of nested archives, composable rule-sets and ignore lists, and SARIF reporting.

This repository contains a set of modules to enable integration of STACS with commonly used CI / CD systems. Currently, supported is:

  • Github Actions

    • Fails the build on unsuppressed findings.
    • Automatically annotates pull requests with findings.
    • Automatically loads suppressions from a stacs.ignore.json in the root of the repository.
  • Generic CI Systems

    • Fails the build on unsuppressed findings.
    • Outputs findings to the console in formatted plain-text.
    • Automatically loads suppressions from a stacs.ignore.json in the scan directory.

Github Actions

This Github action enables running STACS as a Github action. This can be used to identify credentials committed in both source code, or even credentials accidentally compiled into binary artifacts - such as Android APKs, Docker images, RPM packages, ZIP files, and more!

If run as part of a pull request, this action automatically annotates a pull request with findings to allow simplified review integrated with existing code-review processes. As this integration does not use the Github security events framework, no additional subscription to Github is required, even for private repositories!

This action can also be used as part of a release event. Allowing scanning of binaries before publishing to catch credentials which may have been accidentally generated or included as part of the build process.

Additionally, this action can 'fail the build' if any static tokens and credentials are detected.


If STACS detects a static credential during a pull request, a review comment will be added to the line containing the static credential:

Github Comment of finding

The STACS Github integration will even check the pull request to see whether there is an existing comment for this finding, preventing multiple comments being added to the same pull request on subsequent commits.

If the credential is found inside of an archive, in a part of a file not modified by the pull request, then a regular comment will be added to the triggering pull request.



An optional sub-directory to scan, relative to the repository root. This allows scanning to be limited to a specific directory under the repository root.

Defaults to the repository root.


Defines whether this action should 'fail the build' if any static token or credentials are detected. This will take any suppressed / ignore listed entries into account, allowing consumers to ignore known false positives - such as test fixtures.

Defaults to true

Example Usage

The following example scans the currently checked out commit and adds review comments for findings to an associated pull-request (see "Permissions" section below). If the trigger was not a pull-request, findings will instead be printed to the console and STACS CI will exit with a non-zero status (100) if unsupressed findings were present.

uses: stacscan/stacs-ci@0.1.5

The following example scans a sub-directory in the repository. In this example the binaries/ sub-directory contains binary objects, compiled for release by another step of a Github actions pipeline.

uses: stacscan/stacs-ci@0.1.5
    scan-directory: 'binaries/'

The following example disables 'failing the build' if there are findings which have not been ignored / suppressed.

uses: stacscan/stacs-ci@0.1.5
    fail-build: false


Please be aware that in order to annotate pull requests with comments, the action must also be granted write permissions to pull-requests. This can be done by adding the following to the respective job in your Github actions pipeline.

    contents: read         # Required to read the repository contents (checkout).
    pull-requests: write   # Required to annotate pull requests with comments.

This is only required if running in response to pull-request triggers.

Generic CI

This repository can be integrated with a number of common CI systems using the provided Docker image, or Python module.

The pre-built Docker image greatly simplifies this process and provides a mechanism to quickly execute a STACS scan against a given directory, print the results in an actionable manner, and signal to the CI system that the build should fail on findings.


If STACS detects a static credential, a results block will be printed to the console with information required to identify its location:

Terminal output of findings

If the credential is found within an archive, STACS will print a file tree to allow quick identification of exactly where the credential is.


The simplest form of executing the Generic CI integration can be performed using the following Docker command from the directory to be scanned. Using this default configuration Docker will complete with a non-zero exit code if any unsuppressed findings are found:

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/mnt/stacs/input stacscan/stacs-ci:latest

To prevent a non-zero exit code on unsuppressed findings, such as for initial 'dry run' style operation, the following command can be run:

docker run -it -e FAIL_BUILD=false -v $(pwd):/mnt/stacs/input stacscan/stacs-ci:latest


To be added.

Circle CI

To be added.