
Distrubtion of Smart Contract Organizational Token steem-engine

pip install steem-scot==0.2.1



steem-scot is an implementation for Smart Contract Organizational Token for


$ (sudo) pip install steem-scot

Distributing tokens

There are two ways for distributing scot token:

Distribute by voting

The steem-scot command distributes once a day token to authors which were upvoted by token holder.


Once a day, token can be distributed by:

$ scot_by_votes /path/to/config.json
Option Value
scot_account steem account name, which should distribute the token
scot_token token symbol, which should be distributed
token_memo memo which is attached to each token transfer
wallet_password Contains the beempy wallet password
no_broadcast When true, no transfer is made
yearly_inflation yearly_inflation / 365 is the amount which is distributed daily
included_apps When set to [], it is skipped. Can include a list of apps which should be included into the distribution
include_token_as_tag When true, posts which have the token as one tag, are included
include_all_posts When false, a upvote of a post is only included when the app is added to included_apps, the symbol is added as tag or the symbol is added as SETokensSupported field in the post json_metadata
downvotes When true, downvoter which downvoted included posts will receive token
upvotes When true, post authors, which were upvoted by token holder will receive token

Distribute by manual command through comments

Scans blocks for new comments containing the given comment_command. The the comment author has suffient SCOT token, the SCOT account will send token to the parent author.


Can be running all day, will only be active when a commentwith the comment_command was broadcasted. More than one scot_account and scot_token can be specified. Please check scot_by_comment_config.json.example.

$ scot_by_comment /path/to/config.json
Option Value
scot_account steem account name, which should distribute the token
scot_token token symbol, which should be distributed
token_memo memo which is attached to each token transfer
reply when true, a reply comment is broadcasted
wallet_password Contains the beempy wallet password
no_broadcast When true, no transfer is made
min_staked_token Minimum amount of token a comment writer must have
maximum_amount Maximum Amount of token that will be send
user_can_specify_amount When true, the user can specify the amount to send up to maximum_amount, when false maximum_amount is always sent
sucess_reply_body Reply body, when token are send
fail_reply_body Reply body, when no token are sent (not min_staked_token available)
no_token_left_body Reply body, when no token are left to send
comment_command Command which must be included in a comment, to activate the bot
usage_upvote_percentage When set to a percentage higher than 0, the comment with the command will be upvoted by the scot_account