
Stream-sea client

pip install stream-sea-client==0.7.0



This library is compatible with stream-sea versions 4.0 <= v < 5.0

API Reference

publish(*, remote_host, remote_port, secure, client_id, client_secret, stream, payload)

Publish a message to a stream.

  • remote_host: str - The DNS name of the remote server
  • remote_port: str - The port of the remote server
  • secure: bool - If true, TLS is used
  • client_id: str - The client ID
  • client_secret: str - The client secret used to authenticate the client
  • stream: str - The name of the stream to publish to
  • payload: Any - The message payload to send

describe_stream(*, remote_host, remote_port, secure, client_id, client_secret, stream)

Read a schema definition for a stream

  • remote_host: str - The DNS name of the remote server
  • remote_port: str - The port of the remote server
  • secure: bool - If true, TLS is used
  • client_id: str - The client ID
  • client_secret: str - The client secret used to authenticate the client
  • stream: str - The name of the stream

define_stream(*, remote_host, remote_port, secure, client_id, client_secret, stream, schema)

Write a schema definition for a stream

  • remote_host: str - The DNS name of the remote server
  • remote_port: str - The port of the remote server
  • secure: bool - If true, TLS is used
  • client_id: str - The client ID
  • client_secret: str - The client secret used to authenticate the client
  • stream: str - The name of the stream
  • schema: SchemaDefinition - Schema definition

If a schema definition with the same name and version number already exists, the existing definition will not be overwritten.

get_schema_versions_vector(*, remote_host, remote_port, secure, client_id, client_secret, streams)

Read the version numbers for multiple streams

  • remote_host: str - The DNS name of the remote server
  • remote_port: str - The port of the remote server
  • secure: bool - If true, TLS is used
  • client_id: str - The client ID
  • client_secret: str - The client secret used to authenticate the client
  • streams: [str] - The names of the streams

This function will return an array ret_val with the same length as streams. For every i, if the stream with name streams[i] exists, then the value of ret_val[i] will be that stream's version number. If the stream with name streams[i] does not exist, then the value of ret_val[i] will be None.


The SchemaDefinition class defines a schema for a stream. The SchemaDefinition class has the following fields:

  • name: str - The name of the schema. Currently the name of the schema must be equal to the name of the stream.
  • version: str - The version number of the schema.
  • fields - The set of fields in the schema. Fields are treated as an unordered set, so the order of this array does not matter.

The following field types are supported:

  • FieldType.STRING - Any string
  • FieldType.FLOAT - Any JSON-serializable floating point value
  • FieldType.INTEGER - Any JSON-serializable integer
  • FieldType.DATE - A UTC date string in the format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ"
  • FieldType.STRING_ARRAY - An array of FieldType.STRING
  • FieldType.FLOAT_ARRAY - An array of FieldType.FLOAT
  • FieldType.INTEGER_ARRAY - An array of FieldType.INTEGER
  • FieldType.DATE_ARRAY - An array of FieldType.DATE
  • FieldType.ENUM - A string restricted to a finite set of values
  • FieldType.OBJECT - A JSON object
  • FieldType.OBJECT_ARRAY - An array of FieldType.OBJECT

Stream-sea-client Developer Documentation


  • Developer tooling can be installed with pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
  • The project uses pycodestyle as a linter. To lint the project, run pycodestyle ./

Stream-sea wire protocol

Websocket layer

  • The stream-sea wire protocol is built on top of the Websocket protocol
  • The protocol is initiated by the client establishing a Websocket connection to the server
  • As long as the Websocket connection is open, it is the server's responsibility to send Websocket ping messages at least every 30 seconds to avoid idle connections being closed
  • Once a connection is established, the client and server communicate by exchanging Websocket data messages, which will be referred to as just messages for the rest of this spec.
  • Every message is a JSON object serialized to a string

Message structure

  • Each message has an id field of JSON type number and a action field of JSON type string. Here is an example message:
  "id": 2,
  "action": "subscription",
  "streamName": "boiler_data",
  "payload": {
    "temperature": 92,
    "pressure": 3002
  • The client must send the first message with id equal to 1, and must increase id by 1 for each subsequent message
  • Each message x sent by the server is a response to an earlier message y sent by the client. x must have the same values of id and action as y
  • For some messages y sent by the client, the server can reply with multiple messages x1, x2, .... These must all have the same values of id and action as y

Authentication Request Message

  • The client-sent message with id = 1 must be an Authentication Request message
  • Client-sent messages with id > 1 must not be Authentication Request messages
  • An Authentication Request message has an action field with value "authenticate"
  • An Authentication Request message must have a payload field of JSON type object
  • Stream-sea supports two authentication methods: Basic and JWT
  • In order to authenticate with the Basic method, the payload of the Authentication Request message must have the following fields:
    • A type field with value "basic"
    • A clientId field of JSON type string
    • A clientSecret field of JSON type string
  • In order to authenticate with the Basic method, the payload of the Authentication Request message must have the following fields:
    • A type field with value "jwt"
    • A clientId field of JSON type string
    • A jwt field of JSON type string containing the stream-sea JWT
  • The server must respond to an Authentication Request message with exactly one Authentication Response message

Authentication Response Message

  • An Authentication Response message has an action field with value "authenticate"
  • An Authentication Response message must have a success field of JSON type boolean which will indicate whether authentication was successful
  • If authentication was unsuccessful, the client must close the connection and must not send any more messages

Subscription Request Message

  • The client may subscribe by sending a Subscription Request message
  • A Subscription Request message has an action field with value "subscribe"
  • A Subscription Request message has a payload field of JSON type string. The value of this field must be the name of the stream to subscribe to.
  • A Subscription Request message may have a groupId field of JSON type string. If set, the value of this field must be a UUID in RFC 4122 format (also known as the 8-4-4-4-12 format).
  • A Subscription Request message may have multiple responses. The first response must be a Subscription Response message. Each subsequent response must be a Message Delivery message.

Subscription Response Message

  • A Subscription Response message has an action field with value "subscribe"
  • A Subscription Response message has a streamName field of JSON type string. The value of this field is the name of the stream that was subscribed to.

Message Delivery

  • A Message Delivery message has an action field with value "subscribe"
  • A Message Delivery message has a payload field of JSON type object. This value of this field is the user-defined message object.

Example of stream-sea wire protocol exchange

The client authenticates and subscribes to the stream boiler_data The server delivers two messages from the boiler_data stream.

# client -> server
  "action": "authenticate",
  "payload": {
    "type": "basic"
    "clientId": "abc",
    "clientSecret": "def123"

# client <- server
  "id": 1,
  "action": "authenticate",
  "success": true,
  "payload": {
    "jailId": "some_jail"

# client -> server
  "id": 2,
  "action": "subscribe",
  "payload": "boiler_data"

# client <- server
  "id": 2,
  "action": "subscription",
  "success": true,
  "streamName": "boiler_data",

# client <- server
  "id": 2,
  "action": "subscription",
  "streamName": "boiler_data",
  "payload": {
    "temperature": 91,
    "pressure": 3001

# client <- server
  "id": 2,
  "action": "subscription",
  "streamName": "boiler_data",
  "payload": {
    "temperature": 92,
    "pressure": 3002