
Parser for Data Flow Description Schema (DFDS) metadata

dfds, metadata, parser, jsonschema, labstreaminglayer, python
pip install streaminghub-pydfds==0.1.34



StreamingHub is a multi-component framework for developing real-time bio-signal analysis workflows.

It provides the following components:

DFDS | dfds/

JSON schemas to describe data streams, data sets, and analytics, along with a few samples.
Technologies: JSON, JSON Schema

PyDFDS | pydfds/

A Python package to read DFDS-annotated datasets and their metadata.
Technologies: Python, Pydantic, JSONSchema, Pydantic

Curator | curator/

A Web interface to annotate files with DFDS metadata and rearranging them in a standard form.
Technologies: Python, Flask, PyDFDS

DataMux | datamux/

A Python package providing a high-level API to read bio-signal streams. It supports three modes: (a) relaying real-time sensory data, (b) replaying recordings from datasets, and (c) simulating mock data as test cases.
Technologies: Python, PyLSL, WebSockets

FlowMaker | flowmaker/

Node-RED addons for using DataMux APIs and visualizing bio-signal data within Node-RED.
Technologies: Javascript, JSON, Vega

Repository | repository/

A collection of DFDS metadata for commonly used bio-signal datasets and eye-trackers.
Technologies: JSON, DFDS

Projects | projects/

A collection of real-time bio-signal analysis experiments built upon StreamingHub.
Technologies: Python, DataMux, OpenGL

Archived | archived/

An archive of abandoned projects.
Technologies: Python, Flask, Angular


If you found this work useful in your research, please consider citing us.

author       = {Jayawardana, Yasith and Jayawardena, Gavindya and Duchowski, Andrew T. and Jayarathna, Sampath},
title        = {Metadata-Driven Eye Tracking for Real-Time Applications},
year         = {2021},
isbn         = {9781450385961},
publisher    = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address      = {New York, NY, USA},
doi          = {10.1145/3469096.3474935},
booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 21st ACM Symposium on Document Engineering},
articleno    = {22},
numpages     = {4},
location     = {Limerick, Ireland},
series       = {DocEng '21}
@inproceedings {jayawardana2020streaminghub
author       = {Jayawardana, Yasith and Jayarathna, Sampath},
title        = {Streaming Analytics and Workflow Automation for DFDS},
doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398589},
pages        = {513–514},
location     = {Virtual Event, China},
series       = {JCDL '20},
year         = {2020},
publisher    = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address      = {New York, NY, USA}