
Deploying static Stumptown sites

git, github, s3, boto3, stumptown, mdn
pip install stumptown-deployer==0.2.6



Ship a Stumptown static site for web hosting.

Don't tell anyone, but for now it's all AWS as the backend but that's an implementation detail.

Limitations and caveats

  • Redirects

  • GitHub integration

Getting started

You can install it globally or in a virtualen environment. Whatever floats float fancy.

pip install stumptown-deployer
stumptown-deployer --help

Please refer to the boto3 documentation with regards to configuring AWS access credentials.


To be dead-easy to use and powerful at the same time.


Clone this repo then run:

pip install -e ".[dev]"

That should have installed the CLI stumptown-deployer

stumptown-deployer --help

If you wanna make a PR, make sure it's formatted with black and passes flake8.

You can check that all files are flake8 fine by running:

flake8 deployer

And to check that all files are formatted according to black run:

black --check deployer

All of the code style stuff can be simplified by installing therapist. It should get installed by default, but setting it up as a git pre-commit hook is optional. Here's how you set it up once:

therapist install

Now, next time you try to commit a .py file with a black or flake8 violation it will remind you and block the commit. You can override it like this:

git commit -a -m "I know what I'm doing"

To run all code style and lint checkers you can also use therapist with:

therapist run --use-tracked-files

Some things can't be automatically fixed, but black violations can for example:

therapist run --use-tracked-files --fix

Contributing and using

If you like to use the globally installed executable stumptown-deployer but don't want to depend on a new PyPI release for every change you want to try, use this:

# If you use a virtualenv, deactivate it first
# Use the global pip (or pip3) on your system
pip3 install -e .

If you do this, you can use this repo to install in your system.