subgroups is a python library which contains a collection of subgroup discovery algorithms and other data analysis utilities.

python, data-science, machine-learning, data-analysis, subgroups, subgroup-discovery, python3
pip install subgroups==0.1.8


subgroups logo

subgroups - A Python library for Subgroup Discovery

Tests Azure Pipelines - Tests
Package PyPI - Version Conda Version
Metadata GitHub Author's webpage Python Version License Total Downlods Documentation

What is it?

subgroups is a public, accessible and open-source python library created to work with the Subgroup Discovery (SD) technique. This library implements the necessary components related to the SD technique and contains a collection of SD algorithms and other data analysis utilities.

Quick install

The easiest way to obtain this library is from either PyPI (the Python Package Index) or Conda.


For that, you can view and download the package from its PyPI page or directly install it by executing:

pip install subgroups


For that, you can view and download the package from its page (conda-forge channel) or directly install it by executing:

conda install -c conda-forge subgroups


After installing the library, a collection of tests can be launched by executing:

import subgroups.tests as st

These tests verify that the library is correctly installed and that all components, algorithms and features are properly working.

Installing from source

The source code (latest development) is currently hosted on:

Therefore, you need first to clone the repository:

git clone
cd subgroups

After that, the library can be installed in production mode or in develop mode.

Production mode

make install_prod


python -m pip install ./


pip install ./

This mode installs the library as normal, copying it to the standard Python site-packages directory.

Develop mode

make install_dev


python -m pip install -e ./


pip install -e ./

This mode installs the library in editable mode, creating a link in the standard Python site-packages directory to the downloaded project directory (the current directory). See the pip_install documentation for further details.

Example of use of the algorithms

An example of use of each algorithm implemented in subgroups python library can be found in the examples/algorithms folder:


The official documentation is hosted on

Additionally, the source code of the project contains a folder called docs, which includes the documentation of the library. This documentation can be also manually generated by executing:

cd docs
make build


cd docs
python source/project_files build
python -m pip install --upgrade sphinx
python -m pip install --upgrade sphinx-rtd-theme
python -m pip install --upgrade sphinx-autodoc-typehints
sphinx-apidoc -f -T -M -o source/project_files ../src/subgroups
sphinx-build -M html source build

The generated documentation will be located in the build subfolder.