
a sudoku grid generator

pip install sudokugridgen==0.3.1


Sudoku Grid generator

Published to as sudokugridgen

From the root directory of the download sudo pip3 install .

Generate all sudoku grids of a given rank

MIT License

Copyright 2018 (c) George Carder 2018


A set of functions contributing to the task of

generating all sudoku grids of a given rank.


Use and Examples:

B=buildAndFinalizeAllLimit(d,L) gives a list B where each entry is a d^2xd^2 sudoku grid with entris from a set of symbols {1,2,...,d^2} The limit is on the number of automorphisms applied to the base grid. This limit is useful when d is 'big'.. i.e. >2.

B=buildAndFinalizeAllToFile(d) writes to file a list of d^2xd^2 sudoku grids with entries from the set of symbolds {1,2,...,d^2} Writing to file is useful when d is >2. Careful, this file accumulates to about 23GB.

B=buildAndFinalizeAll(3) gives a list B where each entry is a distinct 9x9 sudoku grid with entries from set of symbols {1,2,..,9}

CAUTION: buildAndFinalizeAll(d) computes in under a second for d=2. But the computational complexity of this function is very steep. As such, for d=3 prepare to wait. But the quality of the output is worth it.

B=buildAllBoards(3) gives a list B where each entry is a distinct 9x9 sudoku grid with entries from set of symbols {[0,0],[1,0],..,[2,2]} i.e. the image of addition Z_3xZ_3 with Z_3xZ_3

B=buildStandardBoard(3) gives a single sudoku grid with entries as the previous example but the grid configuration arises from "standard" ordering of domain wrt addition.

buildboard(gen1,gen2,d) builds a sudoku grid given generating lists and rank d

buildGenerators(d) gives a pair of 'standard' generators for a given rank d permutations(d) gives a list (matrix) where each row is a distinct permutation of d symbols (indoarabic numerals)

boardFinalizer(board,d) takes a board with rank d and entries the image of addition (Z_nxZ_n)x(Z_nxZ_n) and converts the entries in a well- defined way to elements of {1,2,..,n^2} ############################################### ################################################