A Python API wrapper for Suvvy AI API

python, wrapper, chatgpt, suvvy, ai, suvvyai, api, async, asynchronous, httpx
pip install suvvyapi==2.0a9



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About SuvvyAPI 📘

SuvvyAPI is an asynchronous Python API wrapper built on top of httpx and pydantic for the Suvvy AI API, offering an easy and Pythonic way to interact with the Suvvy AI services.

Installation 🛠️

To install SuvvyAPI, simply use pip:

pip install -U suvvyapi

Usage 🚀

Synchronous Usage

You can use SuvvyAPI synchronously as follows:

from suvvyapi import Suvvy, Message

suvvy = Suvvy("YOUR_TOKEN")
history = suvvy.as_history("random_id")
response = history.predict_add_message(Message(text="Say hello to Python!"))

Note: Replace "YOUR_TOKEN" with your actual token from Suvvy AI.

Troubleshooting 💡

For issues and troubleshooting, please refer to the issues section on the GitHub repository.

Contribution 👥

Contributions are welcome. Please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.

License 📄

SuvvyAPI is released under the MIT License.