A lightweight, markdownish markup language.

pip install syntex==0.8.1



Syntex is a lightweight, markdownish markup language for generating HTML. It's implemented in Python and can be used as both a command line utility and a Python library.

On the command line:

$ syntex < input.txt > output.html

As a library:

>>> import syntex
>>> html = syntex.render(text)

Syntex inherits much of its basic syntax from Markdown:

This is a paragraph containing *emphasised* and **strong** text.
It also contains `code` in backticks.

This is a second paragraph containing a [link](http://example.com).

Syntex differs from Markdown in supporting an extensible, indentation-based syntax for generating arbitrary HTML:

:div .outer
    :div .inner
        This is a paragraph.

Syntex also includes out-of-the-box support for tables, tables-of-contents, definition lists, syntax highlighting, and footnotes.

See the documentation for details.