
Create and open notes in your favourite editor.

note, tool, utility, cli
pip install take-note-cli==1.2.0


Take Note

Create and open notes in your favourite editor.


  • Written in Python with no runtime dependencies.
    • Works on Python 3.8 - 3.11.
  • Open notes files for specified week using the code command line for VS Code.
    • --thisWeek, --lastWeek and --nextWeek are supported.
  • Organises notes in a date based folder structure from your root notes folder, e.g. 2023/08
    • set the root notes folder using --notesFolder
  • Choose which editor to use with --editor
  • Specify a VS Code workspace to open along with the note file with --workspace
    • This will override the --editor setting to code
  • Specify a template file relative to the root notes folder to use when a new file is created using --template. This also performs a simple replacement of the text HEADER_DATE with the date formatted as "%A %d %B %Y" to use in the document title.
  • Support for batch creation of files in advance. This is useful if you use a device where you can edit files, but can't easily create them. Use --batch 5 along with any of the --*Week options to create that week and the following 4 weeks too.

Future features

  • Support for daily notes options.



The recommended way to install the published package is through pipx.

# from PyPI
pipx install take-note-cli

# direct from github
pipx install git+https://github.com/wsinned/take-note


Command Line

Specify a folder using the --notesFolder option, otherwise $HOME/Notes will be used A week option must be supplied from --thisWeek, --lastWeek or --nextWeek

take-note --notesFolder=$HOME/MyNotes --thisWeek

A note will be created in the under the MyNotes/YYYY/mm folder named with the date of the Monday of this week, e.g. 2023-08-07-Weekly-log.md


Setting up aliases in you preferred shell is a great way to make accessing your notes quick and easy.

args="--notesFolder $notes_folder --workspace notes.code-workspace --template Home-weekly-log-template.md"

alias thisWeek="take-note --thisWeek $args"
alias nextWeek="take-note --nextWeek $args"
alias lastWeek="take-note --lastWeek $args"

All you have to do now is type one of the following to open the desired note file.

> thisWeek
> lastWeek
> nextWeek

Other Installation Methods

Virtual Environment

python -m venv venv 

source venv/bin/activate

venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

# install with tests as editable src
venv/bin/pip install -e .


Nix & NixOS

The supplied shell.nix definition provides support for entering a nix-shell directly in the repository with all dependencies.

nix-shell --run zsh # ensure using zsh over default bash session

# only needed once, or to recreate the virtual environment
python -m venv venv 

source venv/bin/activate

# install with tests as editable src
venv/bin/pip install -e '.[test]'

# run the tests

# close the virtual environment and exit the shell when done

Other Linux or macOS

# only needed once, or to recreate the virtual environment
python -m venv venv 

source venv/bin/activate

venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements.dev.txt

# install with tests as editable src
venv/bin/pip install -e '.[test]'

# run the tests

# close the virtual environment when done


The project uses ruff for linting and optionally for formatting.

venv/bin/ruff . --config pyproject.toml

Build & Publish

From an installed and tested venv, do the following:

# check the version:
cat src/takenote/__version__.py

# build the package

# publish the package
venv/bin/twine upload dist/*

Credentials for twine should be either: - stored in .pypirc in the [pypi] section - entered at the prompt, username = token and password = your_api_key