Convert taskwarrior export to graphviz format and analyse projects

task-manager, visualization
pip install task2dot==0.0.5



This program helps with the creation of visualizations of todo lists. It works as a simple filter between taskwarrior and graphviz.

The code is now on and can be installed via

python3 -m pip install task2dot

if you prefer to work with installed software, compared to interpreted source code. Otherwise execution is performed via python3 task2dot/


At the command line write

task export | task2dot | dot -Tsvg > test.svg

With this, all todo items that you have ever created are fed into task2dot. Without any arguments, it just translates the export into a format that is suitable for graphviz whose output is saved in the file test.svg. We can expect this to result in an insanely messy network graphics.

For clarity, I will not show the dot command and the output redirection into a file in any the following code snippets. Note that those have to be added for obtaining useful visualizations.

When exporting data from taskwarrior one has to explicitely state that one only wants to export pending tasks:

task status:pending export | task2dot

See a working example: example graph from taskwarrior list

what are the nodes and edges

Tasks, tags and projects are nodes as well as user defined attributes! User defined attributes are supported if the task configuration file is ~/.taskrc or can be found in the environment variable $TASKRC.

Edges are task dependencies and all connections from tasks to their project, all of their tags as well as the values of their user defined attributes.

Note that if all node with all of its connections are shown in a graph with a sufficiently many tasks, the resulting graph will become overwhelmingly messy. Therefore, the following exclusion mechanisms are available.

node and edge exclusion

node exclusion

To exclude a specific node write

task status:pending export | task2dot -node

Then there will be no node with the content 'node' in the output graph.

So why is this useful? If you try to implement Kanban or something similar you are very likely to have a certain tag or a user defined attribute, like todo far too often for having it in a graph visualization. Almost all tasks would be connected to it via edges, which is useless. Also, if you export taskwarrior data, which is filtered with a specific tag will cause the resulting graph having a lot of connections to that tag. So the following visualization would be useful:

task status:pending +work | task2dot -work

node type and edge exclusion

A specific type of node can be excluded by using two hyphens. For example, not showing any project nodes looks like this:

task status:pending export | task2dot --project

Or not showing any tags:

task status:pending export | task2dot --tags

In my workflow, paths and emails ids are attached to tasks, so I need to write

task export | task2dot --path --email

It is also possible to exclude certain connections also by using double hyphen. Let's get rid of all connections from tasks to tags:

task export | task2dot --task-tags

more connections: overnext neighbors

It is possible to add additional edges than what taskwarrior exports directly. One could for example add edges between projects and tags because they are connected by tasks that have both. If one then removes the tasks one can look at a graph that shows us which 'actions' are needed for certain projects, if the tags represent 'actions'. Similarly to edge exclusion, we use ++node1-node2 to add additional edges.

task export | task2dot ++tags-project --task

colorscheme configuration

To adjust the colors to your needs, you will need to provide a file ~/.task2dotrc.json in your home directory. It contains a json string with the following format:

    "nodes": {
        "tags": {
            "shape": "egg",
            "fillcolor": "#000000",
            "penwidth": "2pt",
            "style": "filled",
            "fontcolor": "white",
            "color": "white"
        "outcome": {
            "shape": "egg",
            "fillcolor": "#000000",
            "penwidth": "2pt",
            "style": "filled",
            "fontcolor": "white",
            "color": "white"
        "people": {
            "shape": "octagon",
            "style": "filled",
            "fillcolor": "#dd9900",
            "color": "white"
        "project": {
            "shape": "diamond",
            "penwidth": "2pt",
            "color": "#22ff22",
            "fontcolor": "#ffffff",
            "style": "filled",
            "fillcolor": "#115500"
        "task": {
            "shape": "box",
            "color": "white",
            "fontcolor": "white",
            "style": "rounded,filled",
            "fillcolor": "#222299",
            "fontsize": "16"
        "default": {
            "shape": "box",
            "color": "white",
            "fontcolor": "white",
            "style": "rounded,filled",
            "fillcolor": "#222299",
            "fontsize": "16"
        "annotation": {
            "shape": "note",
            "color": "white",
            "fontcolor": "white",
            "style": "filled",
            "fillcolor": "#111155"
        "state": {
            "shape": "circle",
            "color": "white",
            "fontcolor": "white"
    "edges": {
        "default": {
            "color": "white"
        "task-tags": {
            "color": "white",
            "style": "dotted",
            "penwidth": "5pt",
            "arrowsize": "0.1"
        "project-project": {
            "color": "#22ff22",
            "penwidth": "2pt",
            "arrowhead": "odot",
            "arrowtail": "odot"
        "task-project": {
            "color": "#aa2211"
    "graph": {
        "layout": "fdp",
        "splines": "ortho",
        "size": "30,30",
        "bgcolor": "#111519"        

The parameters that are set in the configuration directly correspond to the graphviz (see graphviz) settings available for nodes, edges and the graph as a whole. The example configuration shown here corresponds to the color scheme used for the example graphics referred to from within this README file.

If you want to provide color settings for your own user defined attribute, just add a property to the nodes property with the name of your attribute and supply the parameters that shall deviate from the default configuration.