
A set of simple tools for language learning.

language, learning
pip install tebbytools==0.3.5



tebbytools is a simple Python package that provides tools for language learning.


pip install tebbytools


Word bank

A WordBank manages a database file that contains a list of words you've encountered. You can add words to the bank and query them in various ways.

from tebbytools import WordBank

# Initialize a WordBank instance
wb = WordBank(file_path="path/to/your/word_bank.db")

# Set a new file path

# Add a word to the bank with optional date_time and tags
# If date_time is not specified, datetime.now() will be used
wb.add_word("hello", date_time=datetime.now(), tags=["greeting", "basic"])

# Get all words in the bank
words = wb.get_all_words()

# Get all unique words in the bank
unique_words = wb.get_all_unique_words()

# Get words added today
todays_words = wb.get_todays_words()

# Get today's words that were added for the first time
todays_new_words = wb.get_todays_new_words(self)

# Get words by a specific tag
greeting_words = wb.get_words_by_tag("greeting")

# Get words added on a specific date
from datetime import date
words_on_date = wb.get_words_by_date(date(2021, 12, 31))

# Get the number of times a word has been added
occurrences = wb.occurences("hello")

Review list

A ReviewList manages a txt file that contains a list of words that you want to review. You can add words to the list. When the list if full, you can get the words and review them. If you try add a word past the list's capacity, the list will be cleared, and the new word will be added to the empty list.

from tebbytools import ReviewList

# Initialize a ReviewList instance
rl = ReviewList(file_path="path/to/your/review_list.txt", size=5)

# Set a new file path

# Add a new word

# Check if the review list is full
is_full = rl.is_full()

# Get the review list
review_list = rl.get_list()

# Clear the review list