
Library for Telegram Gaming Platform

telegram, api, messenger, games
pip install telegame==1.1



This library allows to create a bot that distribute your HTML5 based games. It is simple and convinient.

pip install telegame


  • Add any number of games
  • Game categories (e. g. Sport, Strategy)
  • Inline search support
  • 'Play with friends' button (share game to any chat)
  • 'Random game' button


Adding games to the bot

This part may look tricky at the start, but actually it is not so hard. Bot expects dict, where keys are short names that you have sent to BotFather and values are the Game objects defined as follows:

Key Required Description
name yes Name of the game. Will be used in search and in game list
category no Category. If set, the game will be shown in the list of the specified category
url no Url of the game. If not set, bot will use following url: base_url + '/' + game_short_name

Some examples:

'hockey': {'name': 'Cool Hockey', 'category': 'Sports'}
'go_game': {'name': 'Go'}
'lumberjack': {'name': 'Lumberjack', 'url': '', 'category': 'Action'}

Managing categories

If you set category for each (or some) of your games, it is a good idea to make list of your games grouped by categories. Telegame can do that for you: just add bot.enable_category_button() to your bot configuration.

Other features

If you did not specify url for each game, you should add base url. The url of the game will be a concatenation of base_url and game_short_name. As example, if the base URL is and game short name is hockey, the bot will open for your game. You can set base URL as following: bot.set_base_url(base_url)

Bot can send random game to the user. Type bot.enable_random_game_button(). This will add 'Random game' button to the main menu.
To add share button, type bot.enable_play_with_friends_button().

To customize greeting message (first message from the bot that user will see), use bot.set_greeting_message(greeting_message). Default message is "Hello my friend! Would you like to play some games?"

Starting bot

When you configured your bot, just type bot.start() to start it. Note that this is a blocking method that runs endless loop.


import telegame

games = {
    'checkers': {'name': 'Checkers', 'category': 'Strategic games'},
    'chess': {'name': 'Chess', 'category': 'Strategic games'},
    'go_game': {'name': 'Go', 'category': 'Strategic games'},
    'snakes_and_ladders': {'name': 'Snakes and Ladders', 'category': 'Games with dice'},
    'risk': {'name': 'Risk', 'category': 'Games with dice'}
base_url = ''
greeting_message = 'Hello my friend! Would you like to play some games?'

bot = telegame.Bot(token)
bot \
    .set_games(games) \
    .set_base_url(base_url) \
    .enable_category_button() \
    .enable_random_game_button() \
    .enable_play_with_friends_button() \
    .set_greeting_message(greeting_message) \