
i2c Extensions For Telemetrix Clients

telemetrix, Arduino, Raspberry, Pi, Pico, Protocol, Python
pip install telemetrix-extensions==1.0


Telemetrix i2c Extensions

This repository contains i2c extension libraries for the Telemetrix project.

To install using pypi, make sure that you have pip installed on your computer and for Linux and Mac type:

sudo pip3 install telemetrix-extensions

For Windows type:

pip install telemetrix-extensions

You can read about i2c support here.

Each library consists of two classes, one to handle non-asyncio applications and the other to support asyncio applications.

There are no changes required on the Telemetrix servers.

Because the Telemetrix i2c API is consistent across all Telemetrix clients, to convert an application from one hardware platform to another, only one or two lines need to be modified.

For example, to convert the example to run on an ESP8266, only the Telemetrix client instantiation line needed to be modified


# create a telemetrix instance
the_board = telemetrix.Telemetrix()


# create a telemetrix instance
# Change the ip address to match the ip address of your nodemcu

the_board = telemetrix.Telemetrix(ip_address='')

Both asyncio and non-asyncio library classes are available.

Currently supported devices:

  1. PCA9685 Servo Driver