
Web service template in Python for reuse.

pip install template-python-test==0.0.0



Python service template for reuse.


Install Python 3.12 if it is not available in your package manager

These instructions are for Ubuntu 22.04. If you're on a different distribution, or - God forbid! - Windows, you should adjust these accordingly.

Also, these instructions are about using Poetry with Pyenv-managed (non-system) Python.

Step 1: Update and Install Dependencies

Before we install pyenv, we need to update our package lists for upgrades and new package installations. We also need to install dependencies for pyenv.

Open your terminal and type:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev \
libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncursesw5-dev xz-utils \
tk-dev libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev

Step 2: Install Pyenv

We will clone pyenv from the official GitHub repository and add it to our system path.

git clone https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv.git ~/.pyenv
echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
exec "$SHELL"

Step 3: Install Python 3.12

Now that pyenv is installed, we can install different Python versions. To install Python 3.12, use the following command:

pyenv install 3.12

Step 4: Connect Poetry to it

Do this in the template dir. Pycharm will automatically connect to it later

poetry env use ~/.pyenv/versions/3.12.1/bin/python

(change the version number accordingly to what is installed)

Finally, verify that Poetry indeed is connected to the proper version:

poetry enf info
  1. If you don't have Poetry installed run:
pip install poetry
  1. Install dependencies:
poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
poetry install --no-root --with dev,test
  1. Install pre-commit hooks:
poetry run pre-commit install
  1. Launch the project:
poetry run uvicorn app.main:app [--reload]

or do it in two steps:

poetry shell
uvicorn app.main:app
  1. Running tests:
poetry run pytest

You can test the application for multiple versions of Python. To do this, you need to install the required Python versions on your operating system, specify these versions in the tox.ini file, and then run the tests:

poetry run tox


To generate and publish a package on pypi.org, execute the following commands:

poetry config pypi-token.pypi <pypi_token>
poetry build
poetry publish

pypi_token - API token for authentication on PyPI. https://pypi.org/help/#apitoken


Build a docker image and run a container:

docker build . -t <image_name>:<image_tag>
docker run <image_name>:<image_tag>

Upload the Docker image to the repository:

docker login -u <username>
docker push <image_name>:<image_tag>


Helm chart

Authenticate your Helm client in the container registry:

helm registry login <repo_url> -u <username>

Create a Helm chart:

helm package charts/<chart_name>

Push the Helm chart to container registry:

helm push <helm_chart_package> <repo_url>

Deploy the Helm chart:

helm repo add <repo_name> <repo_url>
helm repo update <repo_name>
helm upgrade --install <release_name> <repo_name>/<chart_name>


OpenaAPI schema

To manually generate the OpenAPI schema, execute the command:

poetry run python ./tools/extract_openapi.py app.main:app --app-dir . --out openapi.yaml --app_version <version>


To create a release, add a tag in GIT with the format a.a.a, where 'a' is an integer. The release version for branches, pull requests, and other tags will be generated based on the last tag of the form a.a.a.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions triggers testing, builds, and application publishing for each release.

You can set up automatic testing in GitHub Actions for different versions of Python. To do this, you need to specify the set of versions in the .github/workflows/test_and_build.yaml file. For example:

    python-version: ["3.10", "3.11", "3.12"]

The process of building and publishing differs for web services and libraries.

Web service

The default build and publish process is configured for a web application (.github\workflows\build_web.yaml). During this process, a Docker image is built, a Helm chart is created, an openapi.yaml is generated, and the web service is deployed to a Kubernetes cluster.

Initial setup
Create the branch gh-pages and use it as a GitHub page https://pages.github.com/.
Set up secrets at https://github.com/<workspace>/<project>/settings/secrets/actions:

  1. DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME - The name of the Docker image for uploading to the repository.
  2. DOCKER_USERNAME - The username for the Docker repository on https://hub.docker.com/.
  3. DOCKER_PASSWORD - The password for the Docker repository.
  4. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - AWS Access Key ID. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_access-keys.html
  5. AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - AWS Secret Access Key
  6. AWS_REGION - AWS region. https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regions_az/
  7. EKS_CLUSTER_ROLE_ARN - The IAM role's ARN in AWS, providing permissions for managing an Amazon EKS Kubernetes cluster.
  8. EKS_CLUSTER_NAME - Amazon EKS Kubernetes cluster name.
  9. EKS_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE - Amazon EKS Kubernetes cluster namespace.
  10. HELM_REPO_URL - https://<workspace>.github.io/<project>/

After execution
The OpenAPI schema will be available at https://github.com/<workspace>/<project>/releases/.
The index.yaml file containing the list of Helm charts will be available at https://<workspace>.github.io/<project>/charts-repo/index.yaml. You can this URL on https://artifacthub.io/.


To change the build process for the library, you need to replace the nested workflow ./.github/workflows/build_web.yaml to ./.github/workflows/build_lib.yaml in .github/workflows/test_and_build.yaml:

  needs: [test]
  secrets: inherit
  uses: ./.github/workflows/build_lib.yaml

After that, during the build process, the package will be built and published on pypi.org.
Uploading the package to pypi.org only occurs when a.a.a release is created.

Initial setup
Set up a secret token for PyPI at https://github.com/<workspace>/<project>/settings/secrets/actions. https://pypi.org/help/#apitoken

After execution
A package will be available at https://github.com/<workspace>/<project>/releases/ and pypi.org.


You can run your GitHub Actions locally using https://github.com/nektos/act.

Usage example:

act push -j deploy --secret-file my.secrets


Classy-FastAPI allows you to easily do dependency injection of object instances that should persist between FastAPI routes invocations, e.g. database connections. More on that (with examples) at Classy-FastAPI GitLab page.

Collaboration guidelines

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