
Organize your terminal output.

screen, stdout, text
pip install termwriter==1.0.0



Organize your terminal output


Dumping a ton of information to the terminal using print() can cause the data you want to see on the screen to scroll up, away from the visible terminal area. This can be particularly frustrating because today's monitors have a lot more horizontal screen space but the data scrolls away vertically. What if print() can better organize the output to maximize the screen real estate?


See example.py for an example code. Below is its output.

================================ Example Output =================================
Some description goes here.

-------- My First Box -------- ----------------- My Second Box ------------------
This is a text box.            This is another text box.
                               You can have a second line
                               and it stays in the second box.

--------------- My Third Box ---------------- ---------- My Fourth Box ----------
This box is to the right of the second box.   This box stretches to fit the row
Unless you have a narrow screen --            because we draw SoftBreak()
then the box wraps to the next row

------- My Fifth Box -------- ------ My Sixth Box ------ ---- My First Table ----
Notice the rows are jusified. You can also have tables.    # First Name Last Name
                                                         --- ---------- ---------
                                                           1 John       Doe
                                                          10 Jane       Doe
                                                         100 John       Public

----- My Eighth Box -----
You can also nest boxes.
Below is a table box.

Name:  John Q. Public
Tel:   +1 111 555 3333
Email: nobody@nowhere.com


See documentation.


Apache 2.0