
Swagger coverage for API tests

pip install test-swagger-coverage==2.1.62



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Swagger coverage report helps the QA automation and developer to get a simple API coverage report for endpoints tests


You can install test-swagger-coverage via pip_ from PyPI_::

$ pip install test-swagger-coverage

or with poetry

$ poetry add test-swagger-coverage

How it works

We take a swagger as data for testing coverage and, based on it, we create a file that will be the settings for our tests. The file can be created automatically or manually.

Next, we set up api calls in our tests (we wrap them with decorators, see examples) and at the end of testing we generate html report. We will check which endpoints were called and what statuses we checked.

We can't always trust our swagger, so you can manually set the status of the codes yourself, which need to be checked.


First, we need a link to your swagger. For example, let's take this https://petstore.swagger.io/

Next, in our project, we need to create a file describing our endpoints, which our tests will use to generate a coverage report.

We can do it automatically via the command line, get json swagger file

$ swagger_coverage https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json


$ 2022-04-15 11:22:37 INFO Start load swagger swagger_coverage https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json
$ 2022-04-15 11:22:38 INFO The swagger report was successfully saved to the folder: /Users/user/Documents/git/python-api-tests/swagger_report

The swagger_report directory will be created and a data_swagger.yaml file will appear inside, which will be the settings for building a test coverage report

The data_swagger.yaml file looks something like this

 description: 'Add new pet'
 method: POST
 path: /pet
 - 200
 - 404
 tag: pet

where addPet is the unique id of our endpoint

 description: 'Add new pet'
 method: POST
 path: /pet
 - 200
 - 404  <---- add 404 status code 
 - 404
 tag: pet

We can change or add our data, for example, a new status code, which will need to be checked

statuses is a list of statuses that we will check (that they were called). You can customize this list yourself.

Let's create a simple test and build a report. For requests, you will use the requests library. We will check that a non-existent pet returns a 404 status code

import requests

from swagger_coverage.src.coverage import SwaggerCoverage
from swagger_coverage.src.deco import swagger

# settings
SWAGGER_URL = 'https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json'
STATUS_CODES = [200, 404]

# our request that we will cover
def get_pet_by_id():
    return requests.get("https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet/999")  # <-- 999 pet id no such exists

# create swagger objects
swagger = SwaggerCoverage(

swagger data preparation: Prepare our file data_swagger.yaml, it will be created automatically.

function to call a request to the server: We will write a get pet by id call. Declaring a function with a decorator @swagger("getPetById"). "getPetById" taken from file data_swagger.yaml, this is unique id of our endpoint.

get_pet_by_id: run the test (our request)

create report: create a report.

After that, in the folder swagger_report we will receive a report index.html.

Let's see it

As you can see, an endpoint appeared in the report, which was partially verified. Filtering the results and open more info window

Test and coverage passed successfully!

If you use pytest, add this code in conftest.py

import pytest
from swagger_coverage.src.coverage import SwaggerCoverage

@pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def swagger_checker(request):
    url = 'https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json'
    url_api = 'https://petstore.swagger.io'
    swagger = SwaggerCoverage(api_url=url_api, url=url)

Also, at the end of the report, you can find a table of average request times for routes

More example with pytest and API tests https://github.com/berpress/python-api-tests

Report example https://github.com/berpress/python-api-tests/blob/main/swagger_report/index.html