
Remind Supply Chain Risks

pip install test-template==0.1.0


Data Handling Guidebook

The one stop shop to learn about data intake, processing, and visualization.

This homepage will show you just some of the things you can do with data.



pip install your_project_name

from google.colab import drive
drive.mount('/content/drive/My Drive/colabs/test_template')


from test_template.acsDownload import retrieve_acs_data

How to use

Fill me in please! Don't forget code examples:

# Our download function will use Baltimore City's tract, county and state as internal paramters
# Change these values in the cell below using different geographic reference codes will change those parameters
tract = '*'
county = '510'
state = '24'

# Specify the download parameters the function will receieve here
tableId = 'B19001'
year = '17'
saveAcs = True
df = retrieve_acs_data(state, county, tract, tableId, year, saveAcs)
Number of Columns 17
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
B19001_001E_Total B19001_002E_Total_Less_than_$10_000 B19001_003E_Total_$10_000_to_$14_999 B19001_004E_Total_$15_000_to_$19_999 B19001_005E_Total_$20_000_to_$24_999 B19001_006E_Total_$25_000_to_$29_999 B19001_007E_Total_$30_000_to_$34_999 B19001_008E_Total_$35_000_to_$39_999 B19001_009E_Total_$40_000_to_$44_999 B19001_010E_Total_$45_000_to_$49_999 B19001_011E_Total_$50_000_to_$59_999 B19001_012E_Total_$60_000_to_$74_999 B19001_013E_Total_$75_000_to_$99_999 B19001_014E_Total_$100_000_to_$124_999 B19001_015E_Total_$125_000_to_$149_999 B19001_016E_Total_$150_000_to_$199_999 B19001_017E_Total_$200_000_or_more state county tract
Census Tract 1901 796 237 76 85 38 79 43 36 35 15 43 45 39 5 0 6 14 24 510 190100
Census Tract 1902 695 63 87 93 6 58 30 14 29 23 38 113 70 6 32 11 22 24 510 190200
Census Tract 2201 2208 137 229 124 52 78 87 50 80 13 217 66 159 205 167 146 398 24 510 220100
Census Tract 2303 632 3 20 0 39 7 0 29 8 9 44 29 98 111 63 94 78 24 510 230300
Census Tract 2502.07 836 102 28 101 64 104 76 41 40 47 72 28 60 19 27 15 12 24 510 250207