
Generate documentation from tests

pip install test2doc==0.0.2



Generate documentation from tests.

To install: pip install test2doc


If you're like me, you think that having tests and documentation is good, but writing them is soul-killing. It's repetitive and so easy to deviate from a consistent look, make mistakes, and all that jazz.

Fortunately, there are tools out there to help out. Tools that will transform your docs into tests, so you not only can make sure that the examples in your docs actually work, but also get some test coverage from your docs.

That's doc2test stuff, and it's nice.

But what about test2doc?

What if you have a nicely commented test function like the following one in your tests/ folder:

def test_func(func, wrap):
    from inspect import signature

    # Just wrapping the func gives you a sort of copy of the func.
    wrapped_func = wrap(func)  # no transformations
    # The behavior remains the same:
    assert wrapped_func(2, 'co') == 'coco' == func(2, 'co')
    # ... and the signature as well:
    assert (
            str(signature(wrapped_func)) == "(a, b: str, c='hi')"

Who's going to read that?

The nerds, okay, but not the normal people, the many users you'd have if you had this as a nicely formatted documentation.

Something that would look like

About test_func(func, wrap)

from inspect import signature

Just wrapping the func gives you a sort of copy of the func.

wrapped_func = wrap(func)  # no transformations

The behavior remains the same:

assert wrapped_func(2, 'co') == 'coco' == func(2, 'co')

... and the signature as well:

assert (
        str(signature(wrapped_func)) == "(a, b: str, c='hi')"

You know what I'm getting at...

Do it like this:

from test2doc import code_to_docs

docs = code_to_docs(test_func)