
a program that randomly redistributes the contents of a stream of text

random, text, console
pip install text-rearranger==1.0


Text Rearranger

Text Rearranger is a program that randomly redistributes the contents of a stream of text based on a couple key characteristics: the case of the word, the first letter, and the length. It includes a wide array of command line options to let users fine tune what algorithms they want to run, as well as give a lot of room for different uses. Requires Python 2. Also available on PyPi at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/text-rearranger/1.0.


Either download from GitHub, or pip install text_rearranger.


The easiest way to get started with it is running it on a single text file. I recommend using a http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page book from Project Gutenberg. Put it in the same folder as Text Rearranger, and run
python textrearranger.py -i [name].txt -o output.txt -d
-i and -o redirect input and output, and -d uses the default, optimal settings. Open up output.txt to see what happened! You can run the same input again to get a new result. After that, you can run
python textrearranger.py --help
to get a breakdown of what all the options are and do to dig deeper. Start with the settings -d automatically uses. Settings that are highly related to each other will be listed right next to each other.


-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-w {0,1,2,3}, --warning-level {0,1,2,3}
					  set level of warnings (defaults to 2): 0 - show none 1
					  - show only warnings 2 - show warnings and notices 3 -
					  show notices only
-E, --explode-on-warning

					  program will now crash on warnings
-d, --default         uses default (optimal) settings, identical to running
					  the program with -Clcnupg

-C, --compare-case    makes replacement words match case style, which mostly
					  implies and overpowers -c
-l, --first-letter    requires first letter of a replacement word to be the
					  same (case-insensitive without -c)
-c, --case-sensitive  makes -f case-sensitive, does nothing without -f
-n, --length-check    requires length of a replacement word to be equal
-L, --compare-lower   filter file comparisons ignore case

-u, --limited-usage   usage of each word is limited to the number of
					  occurrences in the original text
-r, --relative-usage  word usage will be based on relative frequency, but
					  overrides -u, and also falls back on this if none of
					  -u, -r, -e, -a, or -M are used
-e, --equal-weighting
					  forces equal weighting of every word, but overrides -u
					  and -r
-M, --map-words       maps each word to a unique replacement, and replaces
					  every instance with that instead of pure re-arranging,
					  and overrides -u, -r, and -e
-a, --alphabetical-sort
					  sorts internal storage alphabetically

-U, --force-limited-usage
					  force limited usage with any non -u setting
-b, --block-shuffle   replacement words will not be shuffled, but only works
					  with -u
-g, --get-different   tries to get different words for replacement
					  specify number of times to try to get different
					  replacements, defaults to 10, and can exponentially
					  increase computing time
-H, --halt-rearranger
					  halts rearranger from running, so text can only be
					  manipulated by non-arrangement based ways, such as
					  using word maps
-J, --jabberwocky     jabberwockies words
					  increase the chance of a word being jabberwockied
					  seeds random with given number

-p, --preserve-punctuation
					  perfectly preserves all non-word punctuation if
					  defined, treats punctuation as letters otherwise
-v, --void-outer      delete punctuation outside words
-V, --void-inner      delete punctuation inside words
-k KICK_CHANCE, --kick-chance KICK_CHANCE
					  chance that a word will randomly get a newline
-t, --soft-truncate-newlines
					  newlines at the end of lines are removed
-T, --hard-truncate-newlines
					  all newlines are removed completely
-N, --truncate-multiple-newlines
					  multiple newlines will be truncated to single lines
-W, --truncate-whitespace
					  all whitespace between words will be removed

-i INPUT, --input INPUT
					  define an existing input file to re-arrange instead of
					  falling back on standard input
-s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
					  define an existing source file to pull words from for
					  rearranging, but defaults to input if undefined
-f FILTER, --filter FILTER
					  define an existing filter file to compare against for
					  selectively acting on words, and is only required for
					  filter modes
-m WORD_MAP, --word-map WORD_MAP
					  define a pre-written word map file arranged where each
					  line is a word to replace followed by a space and the
					  word or phrase to replace all instances of the word
					  with, "cat dogs rule" replaces all instances of "cat"
					  with "dogs rule"
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
					  define an output file instead of falling back on
					  standard output
-O, --overwrite       automatically overwrites the output file

-I, --inspection-mode
					  turns on inspection mode, which will output how it
					  arranges its text storage
-B, --block-inspection-sort
					  leaves inspection data order unsorted
-q, --frequency-count
					  displays number of occurences of word
-Q, --frequency-percent
					  displays overall percent frequency of word
					  defines number of decimals to use for -Q, defaults to
					  define minimum number of occurences for word
					  information to be displayed
					  define maximum number of occurences for word
					  information to be displayed
					  define minimum frequency percent for word infoto be
					  displayed, with an ideal max of 100%
					  define maximum frequency percent for word infoto be
					  displayed, with an ideal max of 100%

-K, --keep-mode       turns on keep filter mode, which keeps words not
					  matching the filter, and rearranges others
-P, --pure-mode       turns on pure filter mode, meaning no words will be
					  rearranged, but selectively filtered out
-S, --filter-same     keeps/filters only words found in source
-D, --filter-different
					  keeps/filters only words not found in source
-F, --filter-source   filters the source files' internal storage

-Z, --slow-output     slows output to print one line per interval, defaults
					  to 1 second
-z SLOW_SPEED, --slow-speed SLOW_SPEED
					  change the wait interval for -z