
text_scrambler, a tool to scramble texts

pip install text-scrambler==0.1.5



Using the Unicode confusable characters and other tricks, we can transform a text into another that looks exactly like it but remains different from a machine view.


Replacing randomly the Latin characters by Greek or Cyrillic letters and adding the ZW(N)J.

Original text:

Herman Melville (August 1, 1819 – September 28, 1891) was an American novelist, short story writer, and poet of the American Renaissance period. Among his best-known works are Moby-Dick (1851), Typee (1846), a romanticized account of his experiences in Polynesia, and Billy Budd, Sailor, a posthumously published novella. Although his reputation was not high at the time of his death, the centennial of his birth in 1919 was the starting point of a Melville revival and Moby-Dick grew to be considered one of the great American novels.

Srambled text with zw(n)j added (looking the same but totally different):

H‍e‌r‌m‍a‍n‌ ‌M‍e‌l‌v‌i‍l‍l‍e‍ ‌(‍A‍u‍g‌u‌s‍t‌ ‌1‌,‌ ‍1‍8‌1‍9‌ ‌–‌ ‌S‍e‌p‌t‌e‍m‍b‍e‌r‌ ‍2‌8‍,‍ ‍1‍8‌9‌1‍)‌ ‌w‍a‌s‍ ‌a‍n‌ ‍A‌m‌e‌r‌i‌c‍a‌n‍ ‍n‌o‍v‌e‍l‌i‌s‍t‍,‍ ‌s‍h‌o‍r‍t‌ ‍s‌t‌o‌r‍y‍ ‌w‌r‍i‌t‍e‌r‌,‌ ‍a‍n‍d‍ ‌p‌o‌e‌t‌ ‍o‌f‍ ‌t‌h‍e‌ ‌A‍m‌e‍r‌i‍c‌a‌n‍ ‍R‍e‌n‍a‍i‍s‍s‌a‌n‍c‌e‍ ‌p‍e‌r‍i‌o‌d‌.‍ ‍A‌m‍o‌n‍g‍ ‍h‍i‌s‍ ‌b‍e‌s‍t‍-‌k‍n‌o‍w‌n‍ ‌w‍o‌r‍k‍s‌ ‍a‌r‍e‍ ‍M‍o‌b‍y‌-‍D‌i‍c‍k‍ ‍(‌1‍8‌5‍1‍)‍,‌ ‌T‍y‌p‍e‌e‌ ‍(‌1‍8‌4‌6‍)‌,‍ ‌a‌ ‍r‌o‌m‍a‌n‍t‌i‍c‍i‌z‌e‍d‌ ‍a‍c‌c‍o‌u‍n‌t‌ ‍o‌f‌ ‍h‌i‍s‌ ‍e‍x‍p‍e‌r‌i‌e‌n‍c‌e‍s‌ ‌i‍n‍ ‍P‍o‌l‌y‌n‍e‍s‌i‍a‌,‍ ‍a‍n‍d‍ ‍B‍i‍l‍l‌y‌ ‌B‌u‌d‍d‌,‍ ‍S‍a‌i‌l‌o‍r‌,‍ ‍a‌ ‍p‌o‌s‍t‌h‍u‍m‌o‍u‌s‍l‍y‌ ‌p‍u‌b‍l‍i‌s‌h‍e‌d‍ ‍n‌o‌v‌e‌l‍l‍a‍.‌ ‍A‍l‍t‍h‌o‍u‍g‍h‍ ‍h‌i‍s‌ ‌r‍e‌p‍u‍t‌a‍t‍i‌o‌n‍ ‌w‍a‌s‌ ‍n‌o‌t‌ ‍h‌i‌g‍h‌ ‍a‌t‌ ‌t‌h‌e‌ ‌t‍i‍m‍e‍ ‍o‍f‌ ‌h‌i‍s‍ ‌d‌e‍a‍t‍h‌,‌ ‌t‍h‌e‍ ‌c‍e‌n‍t‌e‍n‌n‌i‍a‍l‌ ‍o‍f‌ ‍h‍i‌s‍ ‍b‍i‌r‌t‍h‍ ‌i‌n‌ ‍1‌9‍1‌9‌ ‌w‍a‍s‍ ‌t‌h‌e‍ ‌s‌t‍a‍r‌t‍i‍n‍g‍ ‍p‍o‌i‌n‌t‌ ‍o‌f‌ ‍a‌ ‍M‍e‌l‌v‌i‍l‌l‌e‍ ‌r‍e‍v‌i‌v‍a‍l‍ ‌a‌n‍d‌ ‍M‍o‍b‌y‍-‌D‌i‌c‌k‍ ‍g‍r‌e‌w‍ ‌t‌o‌ ‌b‍e‍ ‌c‌o‌n‍s‌i‌d‌e‍r‌e‌d‌ ‌o‍n‍e‌ ‍o‌f‌ ‍t‌h‌e‍ ‍g‍r‌e‍a‌t‌ ‌A‌m‍e‌r‌i‍c‍a‍n‍ ‍n‌o‌v‌e‍l‌s‍.

Srambled text with latin letter replaced with their Cyrillic/Greek equivalent:

Неrman Melvіllе (Αuguѕt 1, 1819 – Septеmber 28, 1891) wаѕ an Аmеrісаn nοvеlist, shοrt story writеr, and poеt Пf the Americаn Rеnaіssanсe pеriПd. AmПng his bеst-known works arе Μoby-Dісk (1851), ΀yреe (1846), a rПmаnticizеd accПunt Пf hіs eхрerіencеs in ΡПlynеѕiа, аnd Вilly Budd, Ѕаіlοr, а pοsthumously рublіshed nПvеllа. Although hiѕ reputation was nοt hіgh at thе tіme οf hіѕ dеаth, the сentennіаl Пf hіs bіrth in 1919 waѕ thе stаrting point οf a Μelville revival and Μοby-Dick grew tο bе сПnѕidеrеd οne Пf the great American novels.

Srambled text with both changes:

H‍e‌r‌m‍a‍n‌ ‌Μ‍e‍l‍v‌і‍l‍l‌е‍ ‌(‍А‌u‌g‍u‍ѕ‌t‍ ‌1‍,‍ ‌1‌8‍1‍9‌ ‌–‍ ‍S‍e‌p‌t‌e‌m‍b‍e‍r‍ ‌2‍8‌,‌ ‍1‍8‍9‍1‍)‍ ‍w‍a‍ѕ‌ ‌a‍n‌ ‌Α‍m‍e‌r‌i‍с‌a‌n‍ ‌n‌o‍v‍e‌l‍i‍ѕ‌t‌,‌ ‌s‍h‌ο‍r‍t‍ ‍ѕ‌t‌ο‌r‍y‍ ‍w‌r‍i‍t‌е‌r‌,‍ ‌а‌n‌d‍ ‌p‌П‌е‌t‍ ‌ο‍f‌ ‍t‌h‍e‍ ‍А‍m‌e‌r‍і‌c‍а‍n‍ ‍R‍е‍n‍a‍i‌s‍s‍a‍n‍с‌е‌ ‌p‍е‍r‍i‍П‍d‌.‌ ‌A‍m‍ο‍n‌g‌ ‌h‌i‌ѕ‍ ‍b‍е‌s‍t‌-‍k‌n‌ο‍w‍n‍ ‌w‌П‌r‌k‌ѕ‌ ‍a‌r‌е‌ ‌M‍П‍b‍y‌-‍D‌i‍c‌k‍ ‌(‌1‍8‍5‍1‍)‌,‌ ‌T‍y‍p‌е‍е‍ ‍(‌1‌8‌4‌6‌)‍,‍ ‌a‍ ‍r‍ο‍m‌а‌n‌t‌і‍с‍і‍z‍e‌d‌ ‍a‌с‍c‍П‌u‍n‍t‍ ‌ο‌f‌ ‍h‍і‍s‍ ‍e‌x‌р‍e‍r‌і‌е‍n‍c‌e‍s‌ ‌і‌n‍ ‍Р‍П‍l‌y‌n‍е‍s‍і‍а‌,‌ ‍a‍n‍d‌ ‍В‌i‍l‍l‌y‍ ‌Β‍u‌d‍d‍,‍ ‌Ѕ‌а‍i‌l‌ο‍r‌,‍ ‌a‌ ‌p‍ο‍ѕ‌t‌h‍u‍m‍П‍u‌ѕ‍l‌y‍ ‌p‌u‍b‌l‍i‌ѕ‌h‍е‌d‍ ‌n‌П‌v‍е‍l‌l‍a‍.‍ ‍A‍l‍t‍h‌П‌u‌g‍h‍ ‍h‌i‍s‌ ‌r‌e‌р‌u‌t‍a‍t‌і‌o‍n‌ ‍w‍а‌ѕ‌ ‌n‌П‍t‌ ‍h‍і‌g‌h‍ ‍а‍t‌ ‍t‍h‌е‍ ‌t‍і‍m‍e‍ ‌o‍f‍ ‌h‌і‍s‍ ‌d‍e‍а‍t‍h‍,‍ ‍t‌h‌е‍ ‌с‌e‍n‍t‍e‌n‌n‍і‍a‌l‌ ‍o‍f‌ ‍h‍і‍ѕ‍ ‍b‌i‍r‍t‌h‌ ‌і‌n‌ ‍1‍9‍1‍9‌ ‌w‌а‌s‌ ‌t‌h‍e‍ ‌s‌t‌а‌r‌t‌і‍n‍g‍ ‌р‍ο‍і‍n‌t‍ ‌ο‌f‌ ‍a‌ ‌Μ‍e‌l‍v‍i‍l‌l‍е‌ ‍r‌е‍v‍i‌v‍а‍l‍ ‍a‌n‌d‍ ‍М‍o‌b‍y‌-‍D‌і‌с‌k‍ ‌g‍r‌е‌w‌ ‍t‍ο‍ ‌b‌e‍ ‍с‍o‍n‍s‍i‌d‌e‌r‌e‌d‍ ‍П‍n‍e‌ ‌o‍f‍ ‌t‌h‍е‍ ‌g‍r‌e‌а‍t‍ ‍А‍m‌е‌r‌i‌с‌а‍n‌ ‌n‍o‌v‍e‍l‌s‍.

It is worth to notice that search engines can't find the original webpage (as free online plagiarism checkers). Searching for Μelvillе (with cyrillic letters) (copy-paste it) on Google doesn't return any match, though the original word Melville does.

Using all of the confusable characters of unicode (see the unicode confusable characters below), we can generate weird looking text worthy of old spam messages:

𝚮‍𝒆‌𝕣‍m‍𝓪‍n‍ ‍𝝡‍Ҝ‌𝟙‍√‍𝘪‍𝘐‌𞺀‍𝓮‍ ‍‍𝓐‍𝞄‍𝓰‍ꞟ‌𑣁‍t‌ ‌1‌,‌ ‍1‍8‌1‍Ⳋ‌ ‍–‍ ‌Ꮥ‌𝖊‍𝞺‌𝐭‍𝖟‌m‍Ƅ‌𝔢‌𝔯‌ ‍Ƨ‍𐌚‌ꓹ‌ ‍1‍ଃ‌𝟿‍1‍‌ ‍𝘞‍𝐚‍𝚜‍ ‍𝖺‌𝔫‍ ‍Α‍m‌ℯ‌𝔯‌𝓲‌ꮯ‌𝒶‌𝓷‌ ‍nâ€ŒàŽ‚â€ðŒâ€ð”¢â€ð™žâ€Œïœ‰â€Œs‌𝖙‍؍‍ ‍𐑈‌𝖍‌꬜‍ꭇ‍𝓜‍ ‌𝓌‌𝖙‍ⲟ‌r‌𑣜‍ ‍𝐰‌𝓻‌і‍𝒕‍е‍𝕣‍٫‍ ‍α‌𝒏‌𝕕‍ ‍𝙥‌𝜊‍‍𝕥‍ ‍ﮚ‍f‌ ‌𝘵‍‍𝗲‌ ‌Α‌m‍𝐞‍𝐫‌ꙇ‌𝒞‍‍n‌ ‍𖌵‍𝘊‍𝑛‌𝐚‌𝒟‌𝑠‌𑣁‌𝜶‌𝕟‌𝗰‌𝒆‍ ‌𝟈‍𝖟‌r‍⍳‌ﮫ‌ᑯ‌𐩐‌ ‍Α‌m‍‍𝓃‌𝖌‍ ‌𝓱‌Ꭵ‌𝐬‍ ‌Ꮟ‍𝙚‌𝗌‍𝕥‌۔‍𝖐‌𝖓‌‌𝑀‍𝐧‍ ‌𑜎‌П‌ꮁ‍𝐀‌𝗌‍ ‌𝜶‍𝗿‍𝖟‌ ‌𝕞‍໐‍Ꮟ‍𝙮‍Ⲻ‍𝖣‍𝑖‍𝔠‌𝒌‌ ‍〔‍1‌𝟪‌5‍1‍〕‌ꓹ‌ ‌𝖳‍𝗒‌𝓹‍𝘊‌𝚎‌ ‌〔‍1‍🯞‌𝟜‌6‍❳‍ꓹ‌ ‍𝖆‍ ‌𝕣‌꬜‍m‍⍺‌𝘯‌𝘵‌і‌ꮯ‌𝛊‍𝐳‍ⅇ‍𝙙‍ ‍𝕒‌‍ᎄ‌ჿ‌𝚞‍𝚗‌𝐭‍ ‍𞹀‍𝔣‍ ‍𝚑‌ӏ‌𝓈‌ ‍𝕖‍𝑥‌𝙥‍𝔢‍𝗿‍ꙇ‌e‌𝓷‍‌℮‍ꮪ‌ ‌𝖎‍𝚗‍ ‌𝙋‍𝘰‌Ӏ‍γ‌𝓷‍𝖟‍𝔰‍𝚒‌𝗮‌؍‍ ‌𝛌‍𝔫‍𝖉‌ ‍𝔅‌Ꭵ‌𝖑‌l‌𝔂‌ ‌𝓑‍𝐮‌𝖉‌𝒹‌‚‌ ‍Ꮥ‌а‌ꙇ‌𝘭‍𝝈‍𝗋‌,‍ ‌α‍ ‍𝑝‍꬜‍𐑈‍𝓜‌һ‍𝛖‍m‍𞺄‌᎜‍𝔰‍𝗹‌𝑊‍ ‌𝖕‍᎜‍Ꮟ‍𝝞‌𝜄‌s‍‍𝗲‍ꓒ‌ ‌𝓃‍𝗈‌𝓋‍𝒆‌𐌉‌ו‌𝞪‍꘎‍ ‍𖜀‍𝜀‍𝑡‍һ‍𝙀‍𝑢‌ց‍𝘩‌ ‌𝒉‌ι‍ѕ‌ ‌𝖗‌𝒆‌𝛠‍𝚞‍𝐭‌𝓪‌𝙩‌ɪ‍ﮚ‍𝓷‍ ‌𑜊‍𝖺‍s‌ ‍𝘯‍𞹀‍𝚝‌ ‌𝐡‌𝜄‌ᶃ‍𝕙‍ ‍𝖆‍𝘁‍ ‌𝙩‍‍ꬲ‌ ‍𝓉‌𝔊‍m‍е‍ ‌𝞌‍ẝ‍ ‍ℎ‌ı‍Ɯ‍ ‌𝐝‌𝕖‍𝖆‍𝚝‌𝔥‌ꓹ‌ ‍𝙩‌Ꮒ‌ꬲ‍ ‌𝗰‌ⅇ‌𝗻‌𝔱‍𝖊‌𝖓‌n‍𝛊‍𝙖‌𐌠‌ ‍ﻫ‍𝘧‌ ‌𝒜‍𝖎‍𝘎‍ ‍b‍ı‌𝚛‌𝓜‌𝘩‌ ‌‌𝐧‍ ‍1‍𑣖‌1‍𝟵‌ ‍𑜏‌α‌𝗌‌ ‌𝗍‌𝐡‌Ҝ‍ ‍𝕀‍𝑡‍𝛂‌r‍𝓉‍Ꭵ‌𝚗‍ᶃ‍ ‌𝛒‍ס‌𝜟‍𝗻‌𝖙‌ ‌𝜊‌𝖋‌ ‍𝙖‌ ‍ꓟ‍𝙚‌ⵏ‌𝛎‍˛‍І‍𝘭‍Ҝ‌ ‌𝔯‍𝐞‌‌𝞲‌𝚟‌𝖆‍l‍ ‍ɑ‍𝘯‍𝖜‍ ‍𝑀‌ං‌𝒃‍𝚢‌‐‍𝐷‍ͺ‌𝚌‌𝗞‍ ‌𝓰‌ꭈ‌е‌Ꭱ‌ ‍𝓉‌ﮭ‌ ‌ᑲ‍ℯ‍ ‌‍ℎ‍𝙣‌𝔰‌𑣃‍d‍ⅇ‍𝔯‌℮‌⅟‍ ‍ﻬ‌𝓃‌℮‍ ‌੊‌𝙛‌ ‍𝙩‌𝔥‍𝔢‍ ‌𝚐‍ꮁ‌ℯ‍𝜶‍𝙩‍ ‍𝞐‍m‍𝘊‍ᎊ‌𝜟‌𝙘‌𝕒‍𝐧‍ ‍𝓃‌‌𝓿‌ⅇ‍|‍𝒔‍ꓞ

Full documentation at https://text-scrambler.readthedocs.io


pip install text-scrambler



>>> from text_scrambler import Scrambler
>>> scr = Scrambler()
>>> text = "This is an example"
>>> text_1 = scr.scramble(text, level=1)
>>> #############
>>> # adding only zwj/zwnj characters
>>> print(text, text_1, sep="\\n")
This is an example
T‌h‍i‍s‌ ‍i‌s‍ ‌a‌n‌ ‍e‍x‌a‍m‍p‌l‌e
>>> assert text != text_1
>>> print(len(text), len(text_1))
18 35
>>> # though the texts look similar, the second one has more characters
>>> #############
>>> text_2 = scr.scramble(text, level=2)
>>> # replacing some latin letters by their cyrillic/greek equivalent
>>> print(text_2)
Тhiѕ iѕ an ехаmple
>>> for char, char_2 in zip(text, text_2):
...     if char != char_2:
...             print(char, char_2)
s ѕ
s ѕ
e е
x х
a а
>>> #############
>>> text_3 = scr.scramble(text, level=3)
>>> # adding zwj/zwnj characters and replacing latin letters
>>> print(text_3)
T‌h‍і‍s‌ ‍i‌ѕ‍ ‍а‌n‍ ‌e‌х‍а‌m‍p‌l‌e
>>> print(text, text_3, sep="\\n")
This is an example
T‌h‍і‍s‌ ‍i‌ѕ‍ ‍а‌n‍ ‌e‌х‍а‌m‍p‌l‌e
>>> assert text_3 != text
>>> #############
>>> text_4 = scr.scramble(text, level=4)
>>> # replacing all characters by any unicode looking like character
>>> print(text_4)
⊀‌𝒜‍𝐢‌𝘎‌ ‌𝘪‍𝙚‌ ‍𝞪‍Ռ‍ ‌𝙚‍⚯‍𝚊‍m‌ρ‍𝟙‌Ҝ
>>> #
>>> # generating several versions
>>> versions = scr.generate(text, 10, level=4)
>>> for txt in versions:
...     print(txt)
𝕋‌𝗵‌𝕚‍𝔰‍ ‍𝙞‌ѕ‌ ‌ɑ‍𝗇‌ ‌ꬲ‍𝗑‍𝒂‍m‌𝛠‍Ⲓ‍𝚎
𝔗‌һ‌𑣃‍Ɯ‌ ‌˛‍ꜱ‍ ‍𝛌‍𝐧‌ ‌𝐞‍𝖝‍𝛌‌m‌𝜌‌𝟏‌ℯ
‌‌𝓲‌𝔰‌ ‌ⅈ‌𝔰‍ ‌α‌n‌ ‍ꬲ‌‬‌α‌m‌⍎‍𞞀‌
𝗧‍𝗵‍i‍𝑠‍ ‌‌𝖘‌ ‍⍺‍𝘯‌ ‌𝗲‌𝔁‍а‌m‍𝘱‍𝙞‍𝔢
⊀‌𝚑‍𝑖‌‌ ‍ɪ‌𝚜‌ ‍𝜶‍𝑛‌ ‍𝖟‍𝘅‍𝒶‍m‍𝛒‍𝑙‌𝓮
𝘛‌‍𝙞‍ꮪ‍ ‌ⅈ‌𝗌‍ ‍𝗮‌𝐧‍ ‍ꬲ‌ᕜ‍𝓪‌m‌𝜌‌⏜‍𝓮
𝙏‌𝕙‍і‍𝓈‌ ‌ı‍ꜱ‍ ‌𝔞‍𝕟‍ ‍𝗲‍𝕩‍𝛂‍m‍р‍𐌉‌𝚎
𝕿‌Ꮒ‌ℹ‌𝐬‌ ‍𝗶‌𝗌‌ ‍𝛌‍𝔫‌ ‍𝗲‍𝐱‍𝓪‌m‍𝞎‌𝙡‌𝖊
⟙‌‍𝜟‍ꮪ‍ ‌‍𝘎‍ ‌𝝰‍𝒏‌ ‌𝙚‍ᕜ‍𝗮‍m‌𝗜‌𝗜‍𝗲
𝖳‌հ‌𝒊‌s‌ ‍𝕚‌𝙚‌ ‌𝖆‌𝑛‌ ‌𝘊‌𝔁‌а‌m‌𝜌‌𝐈‍𝗲
>>> versions = scr.generate(text, 1000, level=1)
>>> assert len(versions) == len(set(versions))
>>> # all unique

Command line interface (CLI)

To get words from input words through CLI, run

$ python -m text_scrambler
usage: Usage : python -m text_scrambler file

Replace/insert the charaters of the file using the unicode confusable characters

positional arguments:
  file                  encoded in UTF-8

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LEVEL, --level LEVEL

                                1: insert non printable characters within the text
                                2: replace some latin letters to their Greek or Cyrillic equivalent
                                3: insert non printable characters and change the some latin  to their Greek or Cyrillic equivalent
                                4: insert non printable chraracters change all possible letter to a randomly picked unicode letter equivalent
  -n N, --generate N
                                Scramble n times the string


See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_joiner for more info on word joiners

See https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/469347/using-uniq-on-unicode-text for why in this case the sort command wouldn't work well to check the uniqueness of those strings

See http://www.unicode.org/Public/security/revision-03/confusablesSummary.txt for the complete list of confusable.