
A module to format strings. Length and alignment of lines can be specified. In the new version is resolved the issue that caused the string to be splitted in single characters rather than in words. Also a check has been added to establish if the input is a list or a string in order to perform the correct splitting method.

alignment, break, center, centre, format, left, line, right, split, string, text, words
pip install textlinebreaker==0.2.0



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Text Line Breaker is a Python script that takes a string of text and breaks it into lines of a specified maximum width. This tool is particularly useful for formatting and displaying text in a terminal.


  • Split text lines to fit within a specified maximum width.
  • Choose alignment options for the text (left, center, right).
  • Adjust the maximum width (default value is the terminal width).

Latest Version 0.2.0

  • Added new parameters ("min", "2words", "max") to set different lines width.
  • Improved algorithm to better split the input in the desired lenght lines.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


This script relies on the Python standard library and does not require any additional dependencies.


  • Install the package with pip
  pip install textlinebreaker
  • or upgrade it with
  pip install --upgrade textlinebreaker
  • Import the package in your program
  from textlinebreaker import split_line


This function takes a long string of text as input and breaks it into lines according to the specified maximum width. The default length is the width of the terminal.


The split_line function accepts the following parameters:

  • line: is the main argument, it's the text that needs to be broken down.
    • allowed values: strings, list of strings
  • max_width: allows to set the max length of text on a line.
    • allowed values: integers, "min", "2words", "max"
    • default value = "max" (terminal width)
  • alignment: allows to change the alignment of the text inside the frame.
    • allowed values: "left", "centre", "center", "right"
    • default value = "left"


Here's an example of how to use the split_line function:

from textlinebreaker import split_line

text = "This is an example of text line breaking using the Text Line Breaker script."
lines = split_line(text, max_width=30, alignment="center")

for line in lines:


 This is an example of text 
line breaking using the Text 
    Line Breaker script.     


If you'd like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.
  2. Clone the fork to your local machine.
  3. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  4. Make your changes and commit them.
  5. Push the changes to your fork on GitHub.
  6. Create a pull request to the original repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.