
Package for receiving Telegram notifications during code execution (i.e. training).

pip install tgalert==0.8



Repository containing a simple Python3 module to allow messages for code updates using the Telegram messaging service. Original intention is to notify a programmer when a long process is finished, such as training a model or building a dataset.

How to setup with pip:

pip3 install tgalert
nano ~/.tg-config  # type auth token for your Telegram bot (use @BotFather to create new bot, can be shared), new line, followed by your client id (use @get_id bot)

Fill .tg-config like this

auth: <bot auth token here>
id: <user id here>

where auth token is given when you create your bot with @BotFather, and client id can be found with @get_id bot.

To test the installation (should send two Telegram messages, one alert and one error):

python3 -c "from tgalert import tg_alert; tg_alert.test()"

Then in your code:

from tgalert import TelegramAlert
alert = TelegramAlert()
alert.write('Training complete')

Extra features:

  • If .tg-config does not exist, write() performs no action and throws no error; it can be used in code without worry
  • Can specify different config location if necessary
  • If program crashes on exception it will notify on Telegram (all but KeyboardInterupt and SyntaxError)