
A package to hide/mask PII information in the JSON object

masking, PII, data-security
pip install the-mask==0.0.1


A package to hide/mask PII information in the JSON object.

Coverage Status License: MIT PyPI Code style: black

Installation and usage


The-mask requires Python 3.6+ and can be easily installed using the most common Python packaging tools.

We recommend installing the latest stable release from PyPI with pip:

$ pip install the-mask

Usage and documentation

the-mask is used to mask the PII or sensitive data in the JSON object with more flexible way.

from mask import mask
payload = {
    "name": "Jennifer",
    "email" "Jenn@abc.corp",
    "salary": "250000"
data_to_mask = {
    "name": "str", # It can also be `string`
    "email": "email",
    "salary": "znumber"
result = mask(payload, data_to_mask) # Option: 1

# Result:
# {
#     "name": "J******r",
#     "email" "J**n@a**.corp",
#     "salary": "0"
# }

# Alternative Way: If the user wanted to modify the Payload itself
# Pass the inplace option as True
mask(payload, data_to_mask, inplace = True) # Option: 2

# Result:
# {
#     "name": "J******r",
#     "email" "J**n@a**.corp",
#     "salary": "0"
# }
How the Data to Mask param works?
Type of Data Example Dict Key Value Description
Plain Text values i.e., Name, Address etc., name str string or str can be passed to determine the value is a string
Email ID emailAddress email email is to mask the email id i.e., K***n@a**.corp
Numerical Values salary znumber znumber is used to convert the numerical value into 0 i.e., 250000 -> 0, 10000.90 -> 0.0, "1,135,000" -> "0"
Identity based Numerical Values id number number converts the value into random number with equivalent length.



Code of Conduct

Everyone participating in the-mask project, and in particular in the issue tracker, and pull requests is expected to treat other people with respect.

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