
An easy and fast CLI app to change between custom themes in Unix-like systems.

themes, utility, manager
pip install themizer==1.1.1



An easy and fast CLI app to change between custom themes in Unix-like systems


> pip install themizer # Install with pip
> themizer -v # Check if themizer has been installed correctly


Create a theme:

> themizer create foo

Apply a theme:

> themizer apply bar

Apply the last used theme:
When you not specify the theme to use themizer will try to use the last applied theme.

> themizer apply

Delete a theme:

> themizer delete baz

Note: you can use quotes for themes with spaces in its name. E.g. themizer apply 'Space Plumber'

Creating a theme

If you create a theme and apply it directly it will raise this error:

[ ERROR ] The theme config body is empty

This happens because you should configure your theme manually, this little guide will help you in the process of create a new one.

Theme structure

All the themes are saved in ~/.config/themizer/themes/ by default, and the structure of a theme looks like this:

 β”œβ”€β”€ after-execute
 β”œβ”€β”€ before-execute
 β”œβ”€β”€ theme.config
 └── ...
Directory / File Β Description
theme.config Here is stored all info about the theme and the instructions to apply it, more info below.
before-execute This file will be execute before Themizer actually moves the themes and applies it. Use its shebang to execute anything you want.
after-execute The same as before-execute but after the theme is actually applied.

Configuration of the theme

The theme.config is spliced in two parts, the header and the body.

The header:

The header stores optional information about the theme itself and the body what directories should move from the theme and where they should go. Looking like this:

[theme] # Header of the theme config
name = 'custom_name' # The default name is the name of the directory
clear_terminal = true # By default is false, if is true the theme will clear the terminal after applying the theme

The body:

The body is former for the relative path of the config to move theme-name/super-config and the destination ~/.config/super-app. Looking like this:

['foobar'] # Relative directory from the theme path
dest = '~/.config/super-app' # Absolute path (can use ~to refer the home path)


Directory structure:

 β”œβ”€β”€ after-execute
 β”œβ”€β”€ before-execute
 β”œβ”€β”€ theme.config
 β”œβ”€β”€ fish/... # Some config for fish shell
 └── htop/... # Some config for htop

Configuration file:

name = 'Kanagawa Theme'

dest = '~/.config/fish'

dest = '~/.htop'

When you run themizer apply 'Kanagawa Theme' themizer will execute before-script, copy foo-theme/fish/ to ~/.config/fish/, copy foo-theme/htop.config to ~/.htop and finally execute after-script.

Note: The subdirectory theme will not work correctly as its name is used to refer the header of the configuration.'


Your configuration directory is located by default in ~/.config/themizer/.

Custom config path

You can use your custom path for the config using --config:

> themizer --config /path/to/config/directory


You can automatize all the things you can do with Themizer this way:

from themizer import App

theme_manager: App = App()
# You can also set a custom config path
from pathlib import Path
custom_theme_manager: App = App(Path('/your/custom/path/'))

The App class has this set of useful methods to interact with Themizer:

Method Description
apply_theme(theme_name: str) Apply an existing theme. Leave theme_name None to try to use the last theme applied. Return the theme applied.
create_theme(theme_name: str) Create a new theme.
delete_theme(theme_name: str) Delete an existing theme.
move_theme_config Only moves the directories indicated in the theme and not run the 'before' and 'after' scripts.
run_before_script(theme_name: str) Run the 'before' script of the selected theme.
run_after_script(theme_name: str) Run the 'after' script of the selected theme.
get_theme_config(theme_name: str) Return all the config of the theme.
get_theme_config_head(theme_name: str) Return the head of the config of the theme.
get_theme_config_body(theme_name: str) Return the body of the config of the theme.
get_themes_dict) Return a dict with the names of all themes and its internal object.
set_last_theme_used(theme_name: str) Set the last theme to a custom one.
get_last_theme_used) Return the last theme used by the user.
get_clear_terminal(theme_name: str) Return if the theme selected should clear the terminal.


Feel free to report a bug or request a branch merge, I appreciate any contribution.


Created with ❀️ by Kutu.