
A package that sets up thread-groups to run methods concurrently that can run concurrently in a relatively simple and intuitive way.

pip install threadgroup-lib==1.2.0



This package is used to define thread groups and register functions to run concurrently in that group


Using it is fairly simply and intuitive:

import threadgroup

first = threadgroup.ThreadGroup()
second = threadgroup.ThreadGroup()

def f1():

def f2():

def s1():

def s2():

assert first.executed
assert second.executed is False

assert second.executed

What we do here is to define two separate groups, first and second, then register which functions we want to run in each group

Using with varvault

Varvault can be leveraged to create some very interesting code that runs concurrently while also being very flexible and easy to maintain:

import time
import threadgroup
import varvault

class Keyring(varvault.Keyring):
    k1 = varvault.Key("k1", valid_type=str)
    k2 = varvault.Key("k2", valid_type=int)
    k3 = varvault.Key("k3", valid_type=float)

vault = varvault.create_vault(Keyring, "vault")
sleep = 0.5
init = threadgroup.ThreadGroup()
use = threadgroup.ThreadGroup()

def set_k1():
    return "valid"

def set_k2():
    return 1

def set_k3():
    return 3.14

def use_k1(k1=None):
    assert k1 == "valid"
    return k1

def use_k2(k2=None):
    assert k2 == 1
    return k2

def use_k3(k3=None):
    assert k3 == 3.14
    return k3

start = time.time()
assert sleep - 0.2 < time.time() - start < sleep + 0.2, "Took too long to run. Concurrency seems broken"
assert Keyring.k1 in vault and vault.get(Keyring.k1) == "valid"
assert Keyring.k2 in vault and vault.get(Keyring.k2) == 1
assert Keyring.k3 in vault and vault.get(Keyring.k3) == 3.14
assert init.executed
assert use.executed is False

start = time.time()
assert sleep - 0.2 < time.time() - start < sleep + 0.2, "Took too long to run. Concurrency seems broken"
results = use.get_results()

We define a varvault object called vault which we set the variables to. The functions set_k1, set_k2, set_k3 set each of the keys to the vault and they all run in the thread group init. We then use those variables in use_k1, use_k2, use_k3.

The benefit of using varvault together with thread-groups is that varvault already abstracts away input variables and return variables from functions, allowing for a decoupled flow that works extremely well to run in thread-groups that are executed in this fashion. Since functions are registered and then executed when execute() is called, supplying input variables to the functions and handling return variables from the functions is a bit of a hassle. Varvault handles this entirely, allowing the user to focus on other things and running things concurrently (as much as Python will allow).

Running without thread groups

It's entirely possible to use the library to just run functions concurrently. This is how you may use it:

import threadgroup
from typing import List

def f1(a1):
    assert a1 == 1
    return a1

def f2(a2):
    assert a2 == 2
    return a2

def f3(a1, kw1=None):
    assert a1 == 1
    assert kw1 is True
    return a1, kw1

functions: List[threadgroup.Function] = [threadgroup.create_function(f1, 1), threadgroup.create_function(f2, 2), threadgroup.create_function(f3, 1, kw1=True)]
result: threadgroup.ResultList[threadgroup.ResultStruct] = threadgroup.threaded_execution(functions)
assert f"{result}" == "[(function=f1; result=1), (function=f2; result=2), (function=f3; result=(1, True))]"

What we do here is to define three different functions that each take different arguments. We then build a list of functions with their arguments. We then run those functions concurrently by calling threadgroup.threaded_execution.

It's also possible to run the same function multiple times with different input parameters. This is how you'd do it:

import threadgroup
from typing import List

arg_values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

def f1(a1):
    assert a1 in arg_values, f"{a1} not in {arg_values}"
    return a1

functions: List[threadgroup.Function] = [threadgroup.create_function(f1, arg_value) for arg_value in arg_values]
result: threadgroup.ResultList[threadgroup.ResultStruct] = threadgroup.threaded_execution(functions)
assert f"{result}" == "[(function=f1; result=1), (function=f1; result=2), (function=f1; result=3), (function=f1; result=4), (function=f1; result=5)]"

In this example we also create a list of functions, but this time we do it based on the input parameters in arg_values, allowing it to scale easily based on an iterable. We then do the same as previously and run the functions concurrently through threadgroup.threaded_execution.