A Python package to parse human readable lengths of time.

timelength, duration, python, parsing, time
pip install timelength==1.1.2



A Python package to parse human readable lengths of time, including long form durations such as 1 day, 5 hours, and 30 seconds, short form durations such as 1d5h30s, a mix thereof such as 1 day 5h 30s, and numerals such as half a day and twelve hours.


timelength can be installed via pip:

pip install timelength

Or added to your project via poetry:

poetry add timelength

Usage (English)


While TimeLength.strict is False (default), TimeLength.result.success will be True if at least one valid result is found, regardless of invalid results.

from timelength import TimeLength

output = TimeLength("1d5h25m15.5s and 23miles")
# True
# 105915.5
print(output.to_minutes(max_precision = 3))
# 1765.258
# [('miles', 'UNKNOWN_TERM'), (23.0, 'LONELY_VALUE')]
# [(1.0, Scale(86400.0, "day", "days")), (5.0, Scale(3600.0, "hour", "hours")), (25.0, Scale(60.0, "minute", "minutes")), (15.5, Scale(1.0, "second", "seconds"))]

Additionally, if a single lone value is parsed without a paired scale, seconds will be assumed. However, if more than one value is parsed, nothing will be assumed.

output = TimeLength("45")
# []
# [(45.0, Scale(1.0, "second", "seconds"))]

output = TimeLength("45 minutes, 33")
# [(33.0, 'LONELY_VALUE')]
# [(45.0, Scale(60.0, "minute", "minutes"))]


While TimeLength.strict is True, TimeLength.result.success will only be True if at least one valid result is found and no invalid results are found.

from timelength import TimeLength

output = TimeLength("3.5d, 35m, 19", strict = True)
# False
# [(19.0, "LONELY_VALUE")]
# [(3.5, Scale(86400.0, "day", "days")), (35.0, Scale(60.0, "minute", "minutes"))]

Additionally, unlike with the default behavior, scales must be present. No assumptions will be made.

Supported Locales

  1. English
  2. Spanish
  3. Basic Custom (Copy & modify an existing config with new terms as long as your new Locale follows the existing config parser's grammar structure)
  4. Advanced Custom (Write your own parsing logic if your Locale's grammar structure differs too drastically) (PRs welcome)


timelength allows for customizing the parsing behavior through JSON configuration. To get started, copy an existing locale JSON in timelength/locales/. The custom JSON may be placed anywhere.

Ensure the JSON being used is from a trusted source, as the parser is loaded dynamically based on the file specified in the JSON. This could allow for unintended code execution if an unsafe config is loaded.

Valid JSONs must include the following keys, even if their contents are empty:

  • connectors
    • Characters/phrases that join two parts of the same segment.
  • segmentors
    • Characters/phrases that join two segments together.
  • allowed_terms
    • Characters or terms that won't be categorized as an invalid input. If sent multiple times in a row (ex: !!), they will still be marked as invalid.
  • decimal_separators
    • Characters used to separate decimals from digits. Can't have overlap with thousand_separators.
  • thousand_separators
    • Characters used to break up large numbers. Can't have overlap with decimal_separators.
  • parser_file
    • The name of this locale's parser file (extension included) located in timelength/parsers/, or the path to the parser file if stored elsewhere.
    • Ensure only a trusted file is used as this could allow unintended code execution.
    • The internal parser method must share a name with the file.
  • numerals
    • Word forms of numbers. May be populated or left empty. Each element must itself have the following keys, even if their contents are not used:
      • type
        • The numeral type.
      • value
        • The numerical value of this numeral.
      • terms
        • Characters/phrases that parse to this numeral's value.
  • scales
    • Periods of time. The defaults are millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, and century. Default scales can be disabled by removing their entry completely. In their place an empty scale with no terms will be created. Custom scales can be added following the format of the others. The following keys must be present and populated:
      • scale
        • The number of seconds this scale represents.
      • singular
        • The lowercase singular form of this scale.
      • plural
        • The lowercase plural form of this scale.
      • terms
        • All terms that could be parsed as this scale. Accents and other NFKD markings should not be present as they are filtered from the user input.
  • extra_data
    • Any data a parser needs that is not already covered. May be populated or left empty. The locale loads this into a Locale._extra_data attribute, leaving the parser to utilize it.

Once your custom JSON is filled out, you can use it as follows:

from timelength import TimeLength, CustomLocale

output = TimeLength("30 minutes", locale = CustomLocale("path/to/config.json"))

If all goes well, the parsing will succeed, and if not, an error will point you in the right direction.