
A set of algorithms to help with timeseries flow

timeseries, algorithms, ml, flow, ai, python, machine, learning
pip install timepulse==0.3.0


🚀 Timepulse: Unleash the Power of Time Series Processing and Modeling!

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Welcome to Timepulse, your ultimate destination for conquering the world of time series data with unprecedented ease and efficiency.

Installation 🧙‍♂️

To summon the might of Timepulse into your realm, a simple pip command shall suffice:

pip install timepulse

Timepulse: Unleash the Power of Time Series Processing and Modeling!

Witness the seamless integration of temporal mastery into your coding sanctum!

Journey into the Time Dimension ⏳

Embark on an odyssey through time as you harness the Timepulse magic. Transform raw time series data into insights that transcend the ordinary. Your code, now a symphony of temporal brilliance!

How to use timepulse


from timepulse.models.nn import MultivariateDenseWrapper
from timepulse.utils.models import run_model

Run model

 y_pred, result_metrics = run_model(model_instance, X_train.values, y_train, X_val.values, y_val, verbose=0)

Results example

[ 8287547.5 10593171.  12349981.  13229407.  10743349.   8585146.
  7701900.   6690604.5  6193717.5  5999759.   5651086.5  5573535.5
  9689985.  12014953.  14384974.  14222123. ],

{'mae': 452268.53, 'mse': 452862200000.0, 'rmse': 672950.4, 'mape': 4.8490524, 'smape': 10.239903, 'mase': 0.31943747, 'r2_score': 0.94421965}

Spellbinding Features ✨

  • Temporal Alchemy: Shape time series data effortlessly.
  • Predictive Sorcery: Unlock the future with powerful modeling.
  • Intuitive Elixir: Simplify complexities with an enchantingly user-friendly interface.

License 📜

Timepulse - The SQD License

Credits: Makers of Timepulse 🌈

Timepulse was conjured into existence by the brilliant minds at Squaredev. Their dedication to temporal excellence knows no bounds.

Embark on a journey with Timepulse – where time meets brilliance, and magic unfolds! ✨🕰️🚀