Tiny Block Operations for Data Pipelines

data, data-engineering, data-engineering-pipeline, etl, etl-automation, etl-framework, generator, pandas, pipeline, pipelines, python3
pip install tiny-blocks==0.1.2



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Tiny Blocks to build large and complex pipelines!

Tiny-Blocks is a library for streaming operations, composed using the >> operator. This allows for easy extract, transform and load operations.

Pipeline Components: Sources, Pipes, and Sinks

This library relies on a fundamental streaming abstraction consisting of three parts: extract, transform, and load. You can view a pipeline as a extraction, followed by zero or more transformations, followed by a sink. Visually, this looks like:

source >> pipe1 >> pipe2 >> pipe3 >> ... >> pipeN >> sink


Install it using pip

pip install tiny-blocks

Basic usage example

from tiny_blocks.extract import FromCSV
from tiny_blocks.transform import DropDuplicates
from tiny_blocks.transform import Fillna
from tiny_blocks.load import ToSQL

# ETL Blocks
from_csv = FromCSV(path='/path/to/file.csv')
drop_duplicates = DropDuplicates()
fill_na = Fillna(value="Hola Mundo")
to_sql = ToSQL(dsn_conn='psycopg2+postgres://...')

# Run the Pipeline
from_csv >> drop_duplicates >> fill_na >> to_sql


Please visit this link for documentation.